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I am receiving the e00081d9 error - what do I look for???

Level 4


Error category:

Job Errors


e00081d9 - The Backup Exec job engine system service is not responding. 

For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-33241



I am receiving the above error after forcing my back job to end.

The listed Causes are:


This may occur for one of the following reasons :

1.Backup job is waiting for a media remove/insert/over-write alert to be responded.

2. The Job is corrupt.

3.In case backup job is running on a Central Admin Server and wrong Managed Media Server is selected in backup Job Properties -> Device and Media.

4.This may occur due to a corrupt or old version of Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) installed on the media server.


Here is a partial post of the Job Log:

Backup set description: ""
Backup Method: Full - Back up virtual machines
The option to enable the restore of individual files and folders from a virtual machine backup was selected for this backup.

The Remote Agent for Windows Systems must be installed on the virtual machine to use Granular Recovery Technology to restore data.  (The Symantec Backup Exec Remote agent is running on this machine - what is it looking for???)

Backup started on 11/28/2011 at 6:32:10 PM.
Transport mode 'nbd' was used for the disk 'Accounting-000002.vmdk'
Transport mode 'nbd' was used for the disk 'Accounting_1-000002.vmdk'
Backup Exec has discovered and protected 'C:' on virtual machine '\\JBI-ACCOUNTING.JBI.LOCAL'.
Backup Exec has discovered and protected 'D:' on virtual machine '\\JBI-ACCOUNTING.JBI.LOCAL'.
Backup completed on 11/28/2011 at 7:53:08 PM.
Backed up 63541 files in 8983 directories.
Backed up 1 virtual machines
Backed up 2 virtual machine disks
Processed 49,973,432,579 bytes in  1 hour,  20 minutes, and  58 seconds.
Throughput rate: 589 MB/min
Compression Type: Hardware

In regards to the possible causes from the list from Symantec - I do not believe it is my tape library.  However, the other suggestions I am not certain?

My question is how can I tell if my Job is corrupt?  Would there be some indication in the logs?

I do not understand question # 3 - wrong Managed Media Server?

Question # 4 - I will need to further investigate.  Again, I have no idea… 


   VIP    Certified

1) Restart all the BE services.  If any of them fail to start, then look at the Windows Eventlog, see what is the cause and act accordingly.

2) In th Devices tab, right-click on the server, and pause and unpause it.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

From the Job log that you have pasted it does look that the job is completed successfully and something after the job is holding it to be still running.

Can you check the Alerts in Backup Exec and see if there are any Alerts generated during the time when the job was about to end. Check for something like Media Remote Alerts or Media Insert Alerts.

Also do not worry about this statement in the Job log:

The Remote Agent for Windows Systems must be installed on the virtual machine to use Granular Recovery Technology to restore data

This is just an information statement and it does not suggest that Remote agent is present or not on the guest machine at current time. It only gives the information that during restore Remote Agent needs to be installed on Guest.




Level 4

I checked under alerts and found nothing relating to this job.

However, I do not believe that this job completed - task-wise.  It typically should take about 7 hrs to complete.  I canceled the job after 48 hrs and still waited another day before stopping Backup Exec.  This is the second time it happen.

From the Job History I can see that it backed up two of the intended four virtual servers.  But of the two that it failed to backup - I only received the following information:

Set type:


Set status:


Set description:


Resource name:

\\BACKUP\VMVCB::\\BACKUP\VCGuestVm\(DC)El Presidio(DC)\vm\my-Comserver

Logon account:

System Logon Account

Encryption used:


Agent used:


Advanced Open File Option used:



My other server (my-appserver) states the same information.

I even reference the file referenced when I attempt to open the job log:

The following tags were not closed: joblog, backup, machine.

0: D:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data\BEX_JBI-BACKUP_01610.xml


This file makes no reference to the two servers that were not backed up.

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

Can you test a backup job with only those two VM which are not backed up.....

This will isolate the problem to see if the issue is with those VMs




Level 4


I split the backup job in an attempt to isolate my problem.

Now, I just added confusion:

When I look at the Job Monitor - the job status resulted in a "Failed".

However, when I look at the job details - I see that three of the four VM Servers backed up...I think.  Meaning, from the "Job History" tab the "Set Status" states Completed.  When I scroll down to see the Verify status - it also shows the Set Status as Completed.


When I click on the "Job Log" tab and see the details - the server I originally had issues with states;

V-79-57344-38727 - Backup Exec failed to snap virtual machine  \(DC)El Presidio(DC)\vm\Comserver' and was unable to collect the necessary metadata to restore individual application items. You cannot perform GRT-enabled restores of application data from this backup.

My Comserver is one of the machines that have a set status of complete and the Job History also indicates a byte count.

I look further into the one that was skipped.  My primary concern is the Comserver error - can I trust the backup or not?

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

My primary concern is the Comserver error - can I trust the backup or not?

As the backups are failed I would not think of trusting these backups for successful restore.




Level 4

Thank you...

My assumption is that the three of the four servers are fine.  Becasue it did not complete all the servers, the task therefore would have to be considered a failure.

I ran the job again last night.  This time omitting the one server that was skipped.  The job completed with a comment regarding exceptions.  I'll have to review those and create another topic for those questions.

Thanks again everyone!
