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Installing BE 10d SP3 on Secondary SSO servers

Level 2
I first installed SP3 on my primary server with no problem and did a reboot of the server.  Now I have 3 secondary servers I need to install the Service Pack on as well.  The problem is that they ALMOST complete then do a rollback.  In the event log I get this error.
Event Type: Error
Event Source: MsiInstaller
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1024
Date:  7/16/2007
Time:  2:39:19 PM
User:  DOMAIN\cp?????
Product: Symantec Backup Exec for Windows Servers - Update '{DAC60AAC-EEFA-4121-98C3-85F4F9999AA4}' could not be installed. Error code 1603. Windows Installer can create logs to help troubleshoot issues with installing software packages. Use the following link for instructions on turning on logging support:
For more information, see Help and Support Center at
0000: 7b 42 38 35 42 41 32 45   {B85BA2E
0008: 35 2d 42 44 31 30 2d 34   5-BD10-4
0010: 42 39 44 2d 41 45 32 39   B9D-AE29
0018: 2d 42 43 31 31 39 34 37   -BC11947
0020: 41 38 33 34 44 7d 20 7b   A834D} {
0028: 44 41 43 36 30 41 41 43   DAC60AAC
0030: 2d 45 45 46 41 2d 34 31   -EEFA-41
0038: 32 31 2d 39 38 43 33 2d   21-98C3-
0040: 38 35 46 34 46 39 39 39   85F4F999
0048: 39 41 41 34 7d 20 31 36   9AA4} 16
0050: 30 33                     03     

Also, here is the sequence from my bkupinst.log
07-16-2007,14:39:53 :  Executing CheckPatchDependencies.
07-16-2007,14:39:53 :  Executing GetProductGuid.
07-16-2007,14:39:53 :  Executing GetDependentPatches.
07-16-2007,14:39:53 :  Executing CheckForDependencies.
07-16-2007,14:39:53 :  All dependencies have been met for this patch.
07-16-2007,14:39:53 :  Executing GetProductGuid.
07-16-2007,14:39:53 :  Executing GetMSPDate.
07-16-2007,14:39:53 :  Patch date 20061201 - File date 20050629
07-16-2007,14:39:53 :  Executing GetProductGuid.
07-16-2007,14:39:53 :  Executing GetMSPDate.
07-16-2007,14:39:53 :  Patch date 20061129 - File date 20050629
07-16-2007,14:39:53 :  Executing GetProductGuid.
07-16-2007,14:39:53 :  Executing GetMSPDate.
07-16-2007,14:39:53 :  Patch date 20061129 - File date 20050629
07-16-2007,14:39:53 :  Executing GetProductGuid.
07-16-2007,14:39:53 :  Executing GetMSPDate.
07-16-2007,14:39:53 :  Patch date 20061202 - File date 20050629
07-16-2007,14:39:53 :  Executing GetProductGuid.
07-16-2007,14:39:53 :  Checking to see if the user has administrator privileges.
07-16-2007,14:39:53 :  Checking to see if the Backup Exec UI is running.
07-16-2007,14:39:53 :  Executing BE_SetCAData.
07-16-2007,14:39:54 :  Executing BEMain_PrepBEMain.  Preparing BE Media Server components.
07-16-2007,14:39:54 :  Executing SetRegKeys.
07-16-2007,14:39:54 :  Executing BEMain_PrepCASO.  Preparing CASO/MMS/SSO components.
07-16-2007,14:39:54 :  Executing Set_CASO_MMS_SSO_RegKeys.
07-16-2007,14:39:54 :  Did Not remove value CMS_DATA_PARTITION_ID from registry
07-16-2007,14:39:54 :  Executing SetSSOBEDBFiles.
07-16-2007,14:39:54 :  Executing RAMain_PrepRAMain.  Preparing Remote Administrator Console components.
07-16-2007,14:39:54 :  Executing SetRAMainRegKeys.
07-16-2007,14:39:54 :  Executing RASideBySideCheck
07-16-2007,14:39:54 :  Executing RAMain EnumkeyUpdate.
07-16-2007,14:39:54 :  Executing RAMain EnumkeyUpdate.
07-16-2007,14:39:54 :  Executing AutoLdr_PrepAutoLdr.  Preparing Auto Loader components.
07-16-2007,14:39:54 :  Executing NetCHGR_AddToServiceGroup.
07-16-2007,14:39:54 :  Executing VSD_InstallVSDTable.
07-16-2007,14:39:56 :  Executing CHGR_CopySCSIDriver.
07-16-2007,14:39:57 :  Executing CHGR_CopyOEMSetup.
07-16-2007,14:39:57 :  Executing CHGR_SaveInstallInfo.
07-16-2007,14:39:57 :  Executing IsSBS()
07-16-2007,14:39:57 :  Not a Small Business Server.
07-16-2007,14:39:59 :  Executing SetMSMInstallDir
07-16-2007,14:40:00 :  Executing SetBewsaTargetProperty.
07-16-2007,14:40:00 :  BEWSATARGET.52386FC2_5A96_4505_896E_E5A5D41757DC
07-16-2007,14:40:05 :  Stopping BE services.
07-16-2007,14:40:13 :  Installing BE services.
07-16-2007,14:40:13 :  About to configure BE main module.
07-16-2007,14:40:13 :  Executing BEMain_ConfigBEMain.  Configuring BE Media Server components.
07-16-2007,14:40:13 :  Executing RegCOMServers.
07-16-2007,14:40:14 :  Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\ipvlapi.dll
07-16-2007,14:40:14 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\ipvlapi.dll
07-16-2007,14:40:14 :  Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\becatdrv.dll
07-16-2007,14:40:14 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\becatdrv.dll
07-16-2007,14:40:14 :  Registering Dll: C:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\Ole DB\sqlxmlx.dll
07-16-2007,14:40:14 :  Successful registration of C:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\Ole DB\sqlxmlx.dll
07-16-2007,14:40:14 :  Registering Dll: C:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\Ole DB\sqloledb.dll
07-16-2007,14:40:15 :  Successful registration of C:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\Ole DB\sqloledb.dll
07-16-2007,14:40:15 :  Registering Dll: C:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\Ole DB\oledb32.dll
07-16-2007,14:40:15 :  Successful registration of C:\Program Files\Common Files\SYSTEM\Ole DB\oledb32.dll
07-16-2007,14:40:15 :  Executing AddBackupOperatorSecurityRights.
07-16-2007,14:40:15 :  Executing AddBackupOperatorSecurity.
07-16-2007,14:40:15 :  Executing AddBackupOperatorSecurity.
07-16-2007,14:40:15 :  Executing BE_PerfSetup.
07-16-2007,14:40:15 :  C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\BEPerfSetup.exe -Refresh C:\WINDOWS\system32
07-16-2007,14:40:17 :  BE main module has been configured successfully.
07-16-2007,14:40:17 :  About to configure RA main module.
07-16-2007,14:40:17 :  Executing RAMain_ConfigRAMain.  Configuring Remote Administrator Console components.
07-16-2007,14:40:17 :  Executing RAMain RegisterDlls.
07-16-2007,14:40:17 :  ERROR: Failed to load \storex.ocx
07-16-2007,14:40:17 :  Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\storex.ocx
07-16-2007,14:40:17 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\storex.ocx
07-16-2007,14:40:17 :  Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedu.dll
07-16-2007,14:40:17 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedu.dll
07-16-2007,14:40:17 :  Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\scheduiur.dll
07-16-2007,14:40:17 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\scheduiur.dll
07-16-2007,14:40:17 :  Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedmgrur.dll
07-16-2007,14:40:17 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedmgrur.dll
07-16-2007,14:40:17 :  Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\NotificationUI320U.dll
07-16-2007,14:40:17 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\NotificationUI320U.dll
07-16-2007,14:40:17 :  Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\RecipientUI320U.dll
07-16-2007,14:40:18 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\RecipientUI320U.dll
07-16-2007,14:40:19 :  Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\exportmodeller.dll
07-16-2007,14:40:19 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\exportmodeller.dll
07-16-2007,14:40:19 :  Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\crtslv.dll
07-16-2007,14:40:19 :  Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\crtslv.dll
07-16-2007,14:40:19 :  Executing RAMain SetReportFilesToReadOnly.
07-16-2007,14:40:19 :  Executing CopyBELogoBmps.
07-16-2007,14:40:19 :  Could not rename: C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Agents\RANT32\MediaRantPush.lst to C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\Agents\RANT32\RantPush.lst
07-16-2007,14:40:19 :  RA main module has been configured successfully.
07-16-2007,14:40:19 :  Executing BE_InstallVxTapeDevices.
07-16-2007,14:40:29 :  Executing AutoLdr_ConfigAutoLdr.  Configuring Auto Loader components.
07-16-2007,14:40:29 :  Executing VSD_InstallDrivers.
07-16-2007,14:40:29 :  C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\loader
07-16-2007,14:40:35 :  Executing SetupAutoloader.
07-16-2007,14:40:35 :  Failed to create SCSIChanger service.
07-16-2007,14:40:35 :  Executing StartAutoldrDrivers.
07-16-2007,14:40:35 :  C:\DOCUME~1\cp????\LOCALS~1\Temp\{B85BA2E5-BD10-4B9D-AE29-BC11947A834D}\\startchgdrv.dll
07-16-2007,14:40:35 :  Executing BEDB schema upgrades.
07-16-2007,14:40:35 :  Loaded C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\bemigl.dll
07-16-2007,14:40:35 :  Got the proc address for MG_NonUiInit
07-16-2007,14:40:35 :  Got the proc address for MG_Start
07-16-2007,14:40:35 :  Patching SSO secondary.  Default BEDB on BKUPEXEC instance will be updated to the latest schema.
07-16-2007,14:40:35 : There is no MSSQL$BKUPEXEC Service
07-16-2007,14:40:35 :  SQL service OPIHLNNTSQL3\BKUPEXEC failed to start.
07-16-2007,14:40:37 :  Rolling back stop of BE services.
It seems to me that the install is trying to start this non-existant database service on the local server instead of the DB service on the PRIMARY server...  Can anyone provide any suggestions on how I might resolve this problem?

Message Edited by Patrick Cope on 07-17-200711:32 AM


Level 2
Is anyone else using SSO option?  How did you get your servers upgrade?

Level 2
I have been poking through the bediag file and the database connection string points to the proper server (our file server).  The three problem servers are our DEV, TEST, and PROD SQL boxes.  So, I am kind of wondering if BE may be getting confused by the local copy of SQL causing it to look on the local computer instead of connecting to the database on the file server.  I have tried a few things with the BE Utilities to no avail as well:
- Configure SAN SSO
- Tried promoting the SQL box to Primary SAN SSO Server (wouldn't work)
- Tried to move Primary SAN SSO Server (wouldn't work)
- Tried running the database checks and repairs.  (Nada)