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Internal Error 2902, ixoFileCopy - Can't install BE 10d

Level 3
Hi Guys,

I am having problem with installing BE10d onto one of our sites. I get pass the part where you put in the serial number. The part where I am having problems is when it starts to install. Before the complets the installation, I get an error Internal Error 2902, ixoFileCopy.

I have cut a section from the logfile just before the error. Hope someone is able to understand it. (Also attached the logfile)

04-08-2009,08:52:14 : C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\BEPerfSetup.exe -Refresh C:\WINDOWS\system32
04-08-2009,08:52:14 : BE main module has been configured successfully.
04-08-2009,08:52:14 : About to configure RA main module.
04-08-2009,08:52:14 : Executing RAMain_ConfigRAMain. Configuring Remote Administrator Console components.
04-08-2009,08:52:14 : Executing RAMain RegisterDlls.
04-08-2009,08:52:14 : ERROR: Failed to load \storex.ocx
04-08-2009,08:52:15 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\storex.ocx
04-08-2009,08:52:15 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\storex.ocx
04-08-2009,08:52:15 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedu.dll
04-08-2009,08:52:15 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedu.dll
04-08-2009,08:52:15 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\scheduiur.dll
04-08-2009,08:52:15 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\scheduiur.dll
04-08-2009,08:52:15 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedmgrur.dll
04-08-2009,08:52:15 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\schedmgrur.dll
04-08-2009,08:52:15 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\NotificationUI320U.dll
04-08-2009,08:52:16 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\NotificationUI320U.dll
04-08-2009,08:52:16 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\RecipientUI320U.dll
04-08-2009,08:52:16 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\RecipientUI320U.dll
04-08-2009,08:52:16 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\exportmodeller.dll
04-08-2009,08:52:16 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\exportmodeller.dll
04-08-2009,08:52:16 : Registering Dll: C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\crtslv.dll
04-08-2009,08:52:16 : Successful registration of C:\PROGRA~1\VERITAS\BACKUP~1\NT\crtslv.dll
04-08-2009,08:52:16 : Executing RAMain SetReportFilesToReadOnly.
04-08-2009,08:52:16 : Executing CopyBELogoBmps.
04-08-2009,08:52:17 : RA main module has been configured successfully.
04-08-2009,08:52:17 : Executing BE_InstallVxTapeDevices.
04-08-2009,08:52:17 : Executing AutoLdr_ConfigAutoLdr. Configuring Auto Loader components.
04-08-2009,08:52:17 : Executing VSD_InstallDrivers.
04-08-2009,08:52:17 : C:\Program Files\VERITAS\Backup Exec\NT\loader
04-08-2009,08:52:18 : Executing SetupAutoloader.
04-08-2009,08:52:18 : Executing StartAutoldrDrivers.
04-08-2009,08:52:18 : C:\DOCUME~1\ADM_YB~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\1\{B85BA2E5-BD10-4B9D-AE29-BC11947A834D}\\startchgdrv.dll
04-08-2009,08:52:18 : Unable to start changers at this time.
04-08-2009,08:52:18 : Executing VerifyBEDBVersion.
04-08-2009,08:52:18 : DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=MANDTPU1\BKUPEXEC;Trusted_Connection=Yes
04-08-2009,08:52:18 : Connected to SQL Server.
04-08-2009,08:52:18 : ADAMM Version Number = 10.000001
04-08-2009,08:52:18 : BESERVER Version Number = 10.000001
04-08-2009,08:52:18 : Action 8:52:18: RB_StartBEServices.
04-08-2009,08:52:18 : Action 8:52:18: StartBEServices. Starting Backup Exec services
04-08-2009,08:52:18 : A reboot is required to successfully configure Backup Exec. Backup Exec services will not start until this system is rebooted.
04-08-2009,08:52:18 : Action 8:52:18: RegisterUser. Registering user
04-08-2009,08:52:18 : {B85BA2E5-BD10-4B9D-AE29-BC11947A834D}
04-08-2009,08:52:18 : Action 8:52:18: RegisterProduct. Registering product
04-08-2009,08:52:18 : DEBUG: Error 2902: Operation ixoFileCopy called out of sequence.
04-08-2009,08:52:18 : ERROR: Internal Error 2902. ixoFileCopy

This is a screen shot from the error:

Level 6
Try uninstalling it and then reinstalling the software again, sounds like you have  a messed up registry possibly.

Level 3
Hi Chicojrman,

It does not complete an install so I can't go into add/remove program to remove it. It does not create a Vertias folder in the Program file folder as well.
Do I need to go in the registry and remove anything to do with Vertias? Or is that going to mess things up more?

Level 5
Partner Accredited
This error mostly happens when the CABs (storing the files to be installed) is/are to large. Usually setting them to a maxsize of 500MB will fix this error.
Could you verify the size of the cabinet files?

Level 3
CAB file size is 331mb.