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Newbie BE v12 install issues. NDMP issues, Clean tape issues.

Level 2

I am in my 20th day of 60 day trial and have some problems.


1st NDMP.   Below is requirements for NDMP provided from BE help.


Requirements for using the NDMP Option

To use the NDMP Option, the Backup Exec server must have the following items installed:

  • Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003/Server 2008.
  • Backup Exec for Windows Servers 12 and later.

In addition, you must have the following:


I have Windows 2003 R2 server, with BE v12  trial installed. 

What is meant by "An NDMP server with..."     Is that the Disk storage server (NetApp 3020)?  Or the tape Library (ADIC Scalar i2000) ?

What is meant by "supported device attached to NDMP server"?  ie, does the Tape Drive have to be attached directly to NetApp with no intervening fiber Switch?  or Tape Library with an NDMP server incorperated in it?


I have a basic system.  A one server with BE installed, One File Server, and One Tape Library.  All 3 have one fiber cable to one common fiber switch.


The ADIC, if I read it right, seems to show only 2 devices via fiber, itself and BE server. Netapp isn't  showing even though it's NDMP is enabled.   


I have been able to back up the Netapp via the non-NDMP protocol, but when I add the NDMP server (I think it's the NetApp) The ability to backup the Netapp via other protocol is broken and Attempts to backup via NDMP from the NetApp results in a whine about no targeted NDMP server. Removing the NDMP server from the tree restores my ablelity to backup the other way. 


any ideas folks?



On the Cleaning media issue.  I accidently dragged and dropped 4 tapes in the cleaning media tree object and can't get them out.  Attempts to drag back whines: "Invalid Physical Volume Library Argument".  How do I get them back into a media set. 



Thanks for any help,





Level 3

I also have a NetApp and an ADIC. The wiring is as follows:


BE12 server -> FC switch -> FAS307 in one zone.

ADIC library -> FAS3070 (two drives, one fiber connection each)  No zoning needed, but I may connect the drives to the FC switch in the future and put them in a separate zone.


BE12 sees the two drives on the NetApp partition through the NetApp.  I bet that when I plug the drives in the FC switch and rezone them, it will work the same way.  BE basically tells the NetApp to write directly to tape, so no data actually passes through the BE server.  That's what NDMP does, anyway.

Level 6
Employee Certified

Level 2



I had't seen the 1st and 3rd.  I had read the 2nd, but this time the section on "Architectural Model:"

Sunk in a bit better.  And the diagrams all show the Tape Drive attached directly to the NetApp. 



Level 2

I have a simular setup, but NetApp goes thought a Switch to the TapeDrive.

I have just discovered that the FC on the NetApp is set to "target". The Tape Drive is set to same.  So I am considering changing the NetApp FC to "initiator".

Do you think this is good move?



