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Restore Single Mailbox to RSG from Exchange 2007 Backup Exec 11.0D

Level 4
I am unable like soo many other entries I have read to restore a single mailbox from a backup to the RSG. I get the error: "The job failed with the following error: Unable to attach to a resource. Make sure that all selected resources exist and are online, and then try again."

As with everyone else the rsg is online and mounted. I even tired the rsg unmounted as well still no Joy on the restore.  Details of the box and backup job are:

Win03 R2 Sp2 x64
Exchange 2007 SP1
Backup Exec
11.0 Rev 7170
HF 62,64,63,65

Backup Job:
Microsoft Information Store Selected
Full-Database & Logs (flush committed logs)
Enable the restore of individual mail messages and folders
Perform consistency check before backup
Backup from passive copy

Any help would be great.




Partner    VIP    Accredited
...restoring from tape, or have you staged it to disk?

This might also help point you in the right direction:

Level 4

Hi Craig Thanks for taking the time to suggest a few things. Well the backup resides on the disk.

I enabled the debug and it looks like it is trying to restore to orginal storage group and not the recovery one. I am not restoring to another server and I told the job to restore to the excahange rsg group but for some reason it just wants to right to the orginal database which of course i don't want. I have the Destination set to Redirect echange set

restore to server: <to the mailserver>
server logon account: set to the system logon account
which has the correct permissions

Then I selected the redirect using VSS
then tried:

Redirect to storage group, I put the info in there, then i tired the redirect to RSG and still no joy.

I didn't do a redirect mailboxes option, didn't think i needed that.


Partner    VIP    Accredited
When you try to restore, you've got the Restore Job Properties.
If you go into Microsoft Exchange Redirection, select Exchange Sets, and select your server, does it allow you to do this?
You wouldn't need to redirect to a mailbox.
If all else fails, you'll have to log a call with Symantec.
I've checked the last of 2 BE 11D servers we have vs. a BE 12.5 server, and the options are exactly the same, so there if no difference there. Last thing to check is that your System Logon Account has the right permissions.

Level 6
"I am unable like soo many other entries I have read to restore a single mailbox from a backup to the RSG"

Individual mailboxes can NOT be restored to the RSG. The RSG is only for restoring the entire contents of Information Store(s).

Individual mailboxes can only be restored either to mailbox or an active store.

Level 4

I am able to select my server no problems there.


Does that mean i will need to restore the whole storage group to the rsg?

I even tried putting the rsg name in the option to redirect to another storage group and that didn't work either.

The issue is i need to restore this user's mailbox to the an area where i can grab that data in a pst or by another menthod so HR can see this data .

If i have to restore the whole group i am assuming i won't have the same issue with just restoring one mailbox.

Lastly i think i read somewhere i can do a pst extract from the disconnected (restored mailbox).

Level 6
Does that mean i will need to restore the whole storage group to the rsg? - Yes.

I would suggest creating a new user with a mailbox, then restore the data from the mailbox you want to the newly created user.  Once that is complete use outlook or exchange to export the data to a pst. When you create the new user make sure to send it a couple emails to verify the mailbox is activated.

Lastly i think i read somewhere i can do a pst extract from the disconnected (restored mailbox). - This is done by Exchange, not Backup Exec.

Level 3
Hi pheiff,

I can restore emails into an existing mailbox, but I beleive you are trying to do what I'm wanting to achieve and that's get someones mailbox that's gone and is not on the system any more.

Either you do as Ben says and create a dummy account or restore the whole EDB into the RSG.

I'm having trouble with the latter and have the same fault as you, but I'm trying the whole storage group.

Roland :)

Level 4
Thanks for all the suggestions and I think I will do the fastest solution and just restore the mailbox data to my test account that I have. I will let you know how that works out. That is just a bad design that you have to restore the whole storage group in order just to get one mailbox.


If you are trying to restore a mailbox to an account that no longer exists it should work fine, it would just show up as a disconnected maillbox in your storage group. Then you can just re-attach that mailbox back to the user or have backup exec re-create the account as you do the restore.

Thanks to Ben as well.


Level 4
Was not able to restore the storage group to the rsg. Same error as before and tried all options for redirection still no joy. For some reason it keeps wanting to restore to the orignal storage group which is online and in use. Thoughts?

Level 6
I would suggest calling into support and having them take a closer look at what you are doing.

Level 3
Guess I'm forced to do the same...

Level 4
Thanks everyone.

Level 3
Dear All,

As you guys are already faced this kind of problem, as per my knowldge my problem aslo same.

Hare actual senerio of my problem like...

Today is 3-July-09 and i am trying to restore a mailbox which is removed on 25th May 09.

Note- We are in the production invroment and we need to resolve issue without play with AD restoration.

Now i am able to see the MailBox of that user in Exchange 2007 Management console under Disconnected mailbox, then i created a new user and map this mailbox with a user which i just created for retore the mailbox.

Now i am able to login in the user mailbox and also able to see pervious mails.

After all check the backup under restore selection list and find the backup of that user with perticular date.

But BE12.5 not able to restore the mail box. error " e00002fc - Cannot restore one or more mailbox. The database that the mailboxes reside in is dismounted or is not accessible. Ensure that the server is availble and that the database is mounted, and then run this job again"

But my data base was mounted and accessible.

Please help me .........
