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SBS 2008 Failed backups give me an Event 55 NTFS Error.

Level 2
Hi Everyone,

I have a really strange issue with one of our Servers its a SBS 2008 install running x2 RAID 1 Arrays, the second array is the shared data partition. Im using Backup Exec 12.5 for small business servers.

The problem that I am having is that whenever a job either completes with exceptions or fails I get Event ID 55 NTFS error in the windows event logs. I have done what the event log suggests which is to run check disk, never finds a problem - although sometimes indexing may be out on that partition. I have run a full diagnostic test on ALL of the hardware in the server using manufacturers tools and everything came back clean. I have used different disk check tools and ran the usual windows tools i.e check disk and check ntfs all report no issues.

I am pulling my hair out with this at the minute because I only get this message when the backup does not complete successfully, if it does - No message!

I should point out that the issues only come up on the shared data partition not the OS/exchange partitions. Backup exec is up to date and so is the OS.

Any ideas or help would be much appreciated.


Level 6

Try to deactivated write-cache buffer flushing to see if that will solve this error from reoccuring.

I am looking into the same....give me some time....

Level 2


Thanks for the quick reply. Just had a look and the settings for Disk caching, please see below.

Thanks again Dev.

Level 6

After a lot of googling i found this link which might help you..

Level 2
Hi Dev,

Thanks for that, but those posts all seem to relate to a hardware issue where as I never get any Event 55 unless there is a failed/completed with exceptions backup. I never have any events like this on restarting the server or when the backups using Backup exec 12.5 are successful.

Im now wondering if I should uninstall Backup Exec restart then try a re-install as suggested by a friend.

Any more good ideas on this issue.
