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SQL Server resources in selection list...different backup methods (full, diff) for each resource?

Level 3
We have a daily backup selection list that contains many resources, including seceral SQL Servers.  For most of those sql servers, we want to perform full database backups for the selected databases, but for the other sql servers, we're ok with diff backups, because those are DEV servers, and the data doesn't change very often.  It's a huge waste of time to do a full backup on a 25gb DEV database every night across our network, given that these dev servers are on a 100mb switch.

How can I specify separate backup methods (full, diff) for the different resources?


Level 6
You will need to create seperate backups for your diff backups.  At this time you can't change the backup type per resource, it's has to be per job.

Level 6
As Ben says, it's one backup type for each job.
I think the simplest thing might be to use policies here.
Create two backup selection lists - one with your production SQL servers, one with your dev SQL servers.
Then create two policies - one called "full backup nightly", with a template to backup each night, doing a full SQL backup, and one called "full backup weekly, diff nightly", with two templates, the first doing a full SQL backup weekly, and the other doing a diff each other night. Then apply the first policy to the production SQL selection list, and apply the second policy to the development SQL selection list.