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Separate backup alongside full/incremental schedule

Level 4


Using BackupExec 12.5

At the moment all of my data is backed up in a weekly, full and incremental backup schedule.  So, Friday night is when the full backup runs, Mon-Thurs nights I perform the incrementals.

What I would also like to do is a quarterly backup (i.e. on the last Saturday of each quarter for archiving purposes)  Can I run these backups without it impacting on the incremental backups.  As I understand it, if I run the quarterly backup on the Saturday, any restores in the following week would need the quarterly tape to be present rather than the Friday night tape.

Is my easiest solution going to be to make this quarterly tape available for the week afterwards or is there a way around it?

Thanks in advance,



Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

As you are not doing any backup on Saturday so doing quarterly backup on saturday will not impact incrementals at all.

Now if you want to restore the full on tuesday then you have to restore the saturday full and incrementals there after. But if you want to restore just a small file that is there on incremental or the files that are backed up on friday then you don't need the quarterly backup.

Quarterly backup is only needed if you want to restore the complete restore.

Employee Accredited Certified

Some of our agents and optiosn have a copy backup setting which does a backup without touching archive bits or journals etc - this might be worth an investigation

Although to be honest you might be better off duplicating one of your weekly backups to achieve what you want (needs two tape drives or to involve B2D backups first)

Level 6

Colin, I was going to suggest a COPY backup, but that option was there in v11 and disappeared in v12  (why?)

Agree that with no COPY option, a DUPLICATE  would  be the best solution (if the OP has two tape drives) or perhaps just drag the [revious Friday media to the Monthly media set


Employee Accredited Certified

Hmm Thanks Ken I hadn't realized that option had gone (for file system backups) - it is still there against the Exchange and SQL Agents however.

I like your simple darg the media across idea though ;)