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Single File Restore of Sharepoint 2010 file using Backup Exec 2010

Level 3


I am trying to restore a single file from a Sharepoint 2010 document library using Backup Exec 2010 R3.  It is a small Word doc that is less than a MB.  I select the file I want and then follow the steps listed in the Admin guide to redirect the file restore to a selected local file path.  When I begin the restore, as the restore runs for a few minutes the byte count being restored is growing into the gigabytes, well past the size of the single file being restored and I don't see any file(s) being created in the selected directory that I pointed to for the restore.  I have tried twice and cancelled the job and few minutes in out of concern of what is really being restored and where.  I have restored single files from file shares in the past and they restore very quickly.  This is my first time attempting to do a granular restore using Sharepint.  Can somebody please help me understand why the restore byte count is growing so large for such a small file being restored?  Maybe I am missing something or possibly the restore must go thru the entire Contect db to find the file to restore?



Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

GRT restore will restore or rather stage the entire dB first, before the actual restore of a single item is carried out

View solution in original post


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified

GRT restore will restore or rather stage the entire dB first, before the actual restore of a single item is carried out

Level 3

Great - thanks.  That's what I needed to know.  Was just concerned that something wasn't right and I was possibly overwriting the whole db or something else was selected wrong and I was screwing up my farm.  Thanks for the quick response.


Level 6

You will see this behavior only when doing a GRT restore from Tape, since BackupExec needs a disk copy to extract the desired items(s)

If your backup device is B2D, then the restore should just take place. 

Level 3

Hello again,

The restore job I ran completed successfully, but the file that I selected for the restore is not in the directory I selected for the redirect.  I selected to restore the file to a local directory on the Backup Exec Mgmt server.  It should not be security issue as the user id I used is a domain admin and is used for the backup exec services and the job completed successfully.  Any ideas on what I may be missing?
