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Tape appears as unknown / scratch media

Level 3
When importing a tape that has already been used and needs to be appended to - the tape comes up as unknown / scratch media until the tape is inventoried.  My question is how do we get Veritas to recognize the tape with out having to inventory it? Our previous version of Backup Exec v10d knew what the tape was upon import.

Level 6
Hi L -
Are you using barcodes on your media?
What is the current version and date of the Tape Device in Windows Device Manager?
- Jared

Level 3
Yes we use bar codes
Quantum SDLT 600 Drive
Provider Symantec Corp
File Version 5.1.19
Date 6/23/06
Thanks, Laura

Level 6
Laura -
There is a new driver out for whichever build you have. I have provided links for both builds:
Links to 11d 6235 and 7170 Tape Device Drivers (x64 and x32 bit)
Try and install the newest driver to see if this helps resolve.
- Jared

Level 3
I download the tape drivers and they are the same version and date that we have installed.
This problem started the day we upgraded to version 11d so we feel it has something to
do with the software.

Level 4
I am having the exact same problem since upgrading to 11d.  All media written with previous versions of Backup Exec are importing as "unknown".  I then inventory these tapes and they allocate to the correct media set, but duplicate entries for the same tape are created in the allocated to the correct media set and the other allocated to "unknown".  I spent around 10-12 hours on the phone with Symantec advanced support on 4/30/2007 and 5/1/2007.  They told me a fix is currently being developed with no timetable for release.

Message Edited by Jason Eisel on 05-15-200710:06 AM

Level 3
Our issue isn't just happening with previous versions but also tapes used with 11D as well.
Our biggest concern is we are going to accidentally erase a tape that has data on it.

Level 4
We also use barcodes on our media.  Our driver information is as follows:
Device: HP LTO Ultrium-3 drive
Driver Provider: Symantec Corporation
Driver Date: 1/12/2007
Driver Version:
Is there an updated driver for my particular drive?  If so, will this fix the problem?

Level 4
We had a very similar problem when we upgraded from 10d to 11d.  When we exported a tape - even one we had just completed a successful backup to - then imported the same tape again, it would be listed as Unknown Media and be placed in the Scratch media set.
Ultimately, we moved all of the Unknown Media from the Media tab into the Retired Media folder (on the tree on the left of the media tab) and deleted the Unknown media from there.  Since then, everything has been working much better.  I can now export and import a tape confident that it will return with the correct information.  I don't have any more Unknown Media.
I hope this helps.  Good luck!

Level 4
For some reason, this problem is no longer occurring.  I'm not sure if a hotfix or the service pack fixed it, but it's fixed nonetheless.