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Tapes ejecting before backup is run

Not applicable
Hello peeps :)

I work at a law firm consisting of 3 offices. We are having trouble with BE for Netware 9.0 at one of our branches.

The tape is inserted by the secretary in the afternoon but is ejecting sometime between 4-5 pm and 11 pm - before the backup starts. I've checked the tapes are overwriteable and the job hasn't been set to append.

When I get in in the morning and load Backup Exec Admin Console I'm presented with an alert stating no media was found in the drive and asking me if I want to continue. So currently, when this happens no data is being backed up because we can't run the backup during the day.

It was doing this with the old set of tapes; I've since formatted an entirely new set and retired the old media and the problem remains. We've reset the tape drive. It's rather random, in that we can go a couple of days running fine and then hit a few days where the tape is ejecting before the backup can run.

The logs state that the backup job was cancelled by keyboard request, then starts the Ejecting Media job and reports there's no tape in the drive. Altering the jobs (Daily, Weekly, Monthly jobs) to exclude ejecting the tape makes no difference.

Is there something dramatically obvious I should be looking for but have overlooked? These jobs were created by my boss a long time before I started working here, and in fact it was only in the last month that this problem has gotten this frequent. My first few months here were relatively trouble-free.

Any clues would be greatly apprecicated. Thanks :)