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Tapes not recognised by Veritas

Level 2
I have the same problem at two sites.

Site one = new HP server, new HP DAT 72 tape drive, new HP DAT 72 tapes. I am able to back up to the tapes using the Microsoft SBS 2003 Backup but Veritas will not recognise the tapes.

Site two = three year old HP server, three year old HP tape drive, relatively new HP (compatible) tapes. Veritas was backing up quite happily for two weeks or so, now it will not recognise the tapes. There are some tapes listed in the only media set, these are also listed in the offline tapes section.

I will be grateful if anyone can tell me where I am going wrong here! Thank you.

Level 3
I have the same type of problem and have also posted a question regarding this issue, hopefully someone will lead us towards the solution....


Level 6
What do you mean "won't recognize them". if you insert them and inventory, what is the result?

Level 3
I think he means the tapes are "Offline" only and not available "Online", this is the problem I am also having.

I did a quick Knowledgebase search and found this..

"Media is automatically moved to this location if Backup Exec (tm) detects that the media was removed from a device or slot. Media can also be added to the Offline location from other media locations.

To move Offline media back to Online, run an inventory of the devices or slots containing the media, and catalog the media."

I tried it and it worked a treat, my tapes are now back online!


Level 6

Is the issue resolved yet after running an inventory on the drives?
You may also try installing the latest device drivers:

Note: Do update us on this issue within two business days, else we will assume that the issue is resolved and will archive the post.

Level 2
Thank you everyone for your responses, I am not on site every day but will try an inventory as soon as I can and let you know the results.

Level 2
ps, I'm a she not a he!!

Level 2
That's done the trick at the site with older equipment so I'm hoping this will solve the problem at the site with new equipment too. I tried to schedule an inventory job to run before each daily backup but the 'effective from' date always sprang ahead to 1st May no matter what I set it as. Can someone tell me if there is a good reason for this?

Thank you for your time everyone.

Level 3
ohhh, My Bad!!!!

Sorry, I should not assume....!!!!!!

Pauly. (a He)