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Unknown tape after scan

Level 4

Part of our weekly backup routine is to remove the magazine from our tape library, swap out and re-slot tapes, reinsert the magazine and scan the slots. During this process, one or two of the tapes are moved to different slots because it makes it easier to remember which tapes to remove the following week. For these one or two tapes, although BackupExec reads the right barcode, and that barcode matches tapes in the library that were already properly identified prior to moving them, it incorrectly marks them as "unknown tape", and puts the in the scratch tapes category requiring that we inventory the tapes so that it can know for sure that they really are the tapes they say they are. BackupExec 11D did this, and BackupExec 12 still does this. Why?


I know I can get around this by ejecting one tape at a time from BackupExec, but that takes longer when you have several to change. Why doesn't it believe the barcode after the tape has been moved? Tapes that weren't in the library when the magazine was removed are identified just fine. It's only those that were in the magazine, but changed slots. Is there something (besides having to inventory the tapes) that can be done to tell BackupExec to believe the bar codes?


BackupExec 12

Windows Server 2003

Cybernetics 24-slot tape library identified as "BDT1"