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access denied

Level 3
All of my servers were backing up ok exept exchange. I was getting access denied. So I followed a document on backing up exchange server via coping admin profile to another account then setting all the services to log in using that account and the JOBS. Now they all fail. Access denied. I did set all the other jobs to use this account too. Should they have been left still using the other admin account I had them set too? Also on the servers I am backing up should the Remote agent service on those machines be using the new account I created too?

Level 6

Does the new account have Administrator rights? If not, ensure that you use an account with Admin rights. The backup exec services too should use the same account. To backup Exchange, the account must have Exchange full admin rights.

Refer to the following technote in order to resolve the problem:

Troubleshooting basic "access denied" and "access is denied" messages in Backup Exec 9.x and 10.0 for Windows Servers

Also check the needed rights in order to backup Exchange:

How to configure a Microsoft Exchange 5.5 and 2000 individual mailbox backup for Backup Exec 8.x, 9.x or 10.x software

Hope this helps. If the error persists, revert with details.

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.


Level 3
Thank you for your quick reply. It seems the errors on the other servers are diffent and i can resolve them but the exchange is the only one still giving the access denied. I will review your document you sent me . Is there anyway I could send you the log file ? Maybe that would help?

Level 6

Please keep us updated.

Unfortunately on forum you cannot send us the logs.

You can open a Voice or Direct Assist incident.

You can contact us through your local support number as mentioned in the link below:

* Please note that you may be charged for this service. For the latest details on pricing, please visit:


NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 3
This error is on one server I back up. I got this from the log file. This is not the acces denied error it is a netwokr drop.
Could you help witht his one also?

"The network connection to the Backup Exec Remote Agent has been lost. Please check for network errors.
A timeout occurred waiting for completion of media server data processing
Backup completed on 8/29/2005 at 1:16:21 PM.
Backed up 6 database(s)
Processed 10,552,012,597 bytes in 2 hours, 30 minutes, and 42 seconds.
Throughput rate: 66.8 MB/min"

Level 6

You can refer the following technote to troubleshoot this issue:

NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.

Level 3
In relation to what I startede this topic for I looked in the log and it appears that "access denied" is from certain emails or files in use I copied this portion from the log.

Access denied to file Alan Westfall Top of Information StoreSync IssuesServer Failuresarlington.
The item \\DEXTER\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes\Alan Westfall Top of Information StoreSync IssuesServer FailuresŒ〰〰〰〰戱戵搰㜴㘵㑦戶搴㈹慢昸敦搴挲愹慡㜰〰㑣㘲㜷〵㔷ㄴ㍦〴扢㘷㐵扣㌴㌱㔲㤹〰〰〰攷〲て〰〰㑣㘲㜷〵㔷ㄴ㍦〴扢㘷㐵扣㌴㌱㔲㤹〰〰〰攷戴捣〰〰arlington in use - skipped.
Access denied to file Alan Westfall Top of Information StoreSync IssuesServer FailuresRe: cooper lighting.
The item \\DEXTER\Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes\Alan Westfall Top of Information StoreSync IssuesServer FailuresŒ〰〰〰〰戱戵搰㜴㘵㑦戶搴㈹慢昸敦搴挲愹慡㜰〰㑣㘲㜷〵㔷ㄴ㍦〴扢㘷㐵扣㌴㌱㔲㤹〰〰〰攷〲て〰〰㑣㘲㜷〵㔷ㄴ㍦〴扢㘷㐵扣㌴㌱㔲㤹〰〰〰攷戴敢〰〰Re: cooper lighting in use - skipped.

So it does not appear permissions are the problem something to do with open file option?

Level 6

AOFO should not be used while backing up databases for which backup exec provides an agent for. This could cause a corruption of the databases.
Have you followed the technotes sent earlier regarding the configuration of Exchange? If not, follow the technotes and verify the results.

Also ensure that you are backing up Exchange from under the Exchange agent. Create a separate backup for Exchange and test the results. In case you are also backing up the volume where exchange is installed, deselect the exchsrvr directory from the backup.

Also disable the anti virus software for test purposes and verify the results.

If the problem persists, revert with the exact error code you receive in the backup job log.

Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.


Level 3
I have the advanced file option turned off but if I loaded it on the server when I installed the remote agent could that be a problem?
Also from this quote

"Also ensure that you are backing up Exchange from under the Exchange agent. Create a separate backup for Exchange and test the results. In case you are also backing up the volume where exchange is installed, deselect the exchsrvr directory from the backup."

Does this mean I should not have anythign selected that is exchange under the the "selections" coloumn ?

Level 3
I have set up the account acording to the document . which is not exactly for 9.1 because using the backupexec part is different from what I have. But when I get to the step of conecting to another users mailbox to check if it worked I was able to connect to one but when I tried anotherit wouldn't work. Then I went into backupexec and chose my selection (mailboxes) and right clicked and chose connect and could not connect. Hmmmm is there a newer DOC for 9.1 ?

Level 6

You have mentioned here that you want a new document, please confirm if you are still getting access denied error

If it is a new error we suggest that you open a new case for this.

If it is access denied then please inform so that we can continue the troubleshooting.


NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to answered questions pool.