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Backup Exec

Discussion Posts

How to deploy Backup Exec via the AWS Marketplace

How to deploy Veritas Backup Exec on AWS Marketplace.Veritas Backup Exec provides simple, rapid, and secure offsite backup to AWS for your in-house virtual and physical environments and protects cloud-based workloads in AWS. Veritas Backup Exec helps...

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How to deploy Backup Exec via the Azure Marketplace

How to deploy Veritas Backup Exec on Azure Marketplace.Veritas Backup Exec provides simple, rapid, and secure offsite backup to Azure for your on-premises environments and protects cloud-based workloads in Azure. Veritas Backup Exec helps customers r...

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Useful links for Upgrading Backup Exec

At its most basic, the upgrade procedure for Backup Exec is simply running installation media for the most recent version on an existing Backup Exec server. Backup Exec 15, 16 and 20 can be upgraded to Backup Exec 21 with this method. Article 1000443...

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rdmchugh by Level 1
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how to create best job backup BE 2012

Hi,i have no idea to create job backup i don't have knowledge for be 2012 product ,my boss assigned backing up all window server to me ,i'm try to download BE2012 for a test but not found trial version, my problem is my boss need to change backup st...

Resolved! Backup failing after Media server upgrade

Hi   I have recently upgraded the Media Server and installed Windows 2012 R2 server. Now this server is running BE 2014 with SP1. I restored the data and started up the BE 2014. Most of the jobs are working fine but i am experiencing issues with 3 ...

Resolved! Remove a job from Job Monitor without deleting the job

Hi On BE 2014, i got a job that i don't need to run anymore, but i don't want to delete it Even after changing the jobs - both full and incremantal jobs  to "unscheduled" job setup, it still shows up in the job monitor How can i remove it from the...

Resolved! Exactly what needs to be backed up for total restore

I should probably know this but what exactly needs to be backed up to do a complete restore to new hardware or VM? If I select all C:(System) D:(data) E: (logs), System State and Information Store am I not backing up the information store twice (onc...

Selwyn by Not applicable
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Resolved! Best Way to Backup Windows 2008 R2 server

What is the best way of backing up Windows 2008 R2 server using Backup Exec 2010 R3? The server is running on Dell PowerEdge 2950 (it is not a virtual server). The server has couple of harddrive partitions. C:\ drive has OS. D:\ and E:\ drive has dat...

Format LTO Tape Backup Exec 2012

Hello, I hope you can help me .. I have installed on Server 2008R2 Backup Exec 2012 with a DELL PowerVault 124T LTO has a magazine 8 tapes 800GB c / u. Because backup plans I have configured, can not find some method to format tapes, ie, I have seve...

Resolved! Formatear Cintas LTO Backup Exec 2012

Hola, espero que me puedan ayudar.. Tengo en Server 2008R2 instalado el Backup Exec 2012 con un PowerVault 124T LTO de DELL, tiene un magazine de 8 cintas de 800GB c/u. Debido a los planes de backup que tengo configurado, no logro encontrar algun me...

Resolved! BackupExec 2014 Linux agent not installing

Hello, I'm running BackupExec 2014 (14.1 1786) on a Windows 2012 R2 server. I'm trying to install the Linux agent on a turnkey Linux appliance (Debain) When I browse to the installation DVD and try to unpack the file RALUS_RMALS_RAMS-1786.0.tar.gz ...

Resolved! License warning BE2014 V-Ray

We have a V-ray licensed for 8 CPU's and mainly use backup through vCenter. However, we have a single application with a FoxPro database which is so error prone, that we decided to backup twice a day. However, if we backup through vCenter, a snapshot...

Resolved! BEMCLI script to import server list and create backup jobs

I am looking for a way withing BEMCLI to create a script which will import a list of servers from a txt or csv file and then create a backup job indiviually for each server backing up to disk first, then duplicating to tape once a week, and daily dif...

Disaster Recovery Wizard

I would like to ask for your help on the following issue:  I have installed in a windows 2008 r2 server standard edition the Symantec Backup Exec 2012 software and I have already updated it. I tried to follow the backup/restore procedure described ...

Tryfon by Level 2
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MSSQL differentielles BAckup schlägt fehl

Hi zusammen,   wundere mich über ein Problem, welches gerade auftritt. Zum Einsatz kommt BE 2010 R3. Es wird einmal am Tag ein Vollbackup vom SQL erstellt. Danach jede Stunde ein differenzielles. Das Hat auch immer funktioniert, aber von einem Tag ...

Resolved! job error after 2010R3 to 2014 upgrade

Getting this error on an SQL job after upgrading from 2010R3 to 2014: V-79-8192-3899 - Unswitched return from FS_ReadObj() = 0x73c3fced The hyperlink  brings me to "no results".  Is there a way to enable logging or something that can help me deter...

Resolved! Cannot Renew Maintenance Contract SBE 2012

Dear All, I will renewing my maintenance contracts for BE2012, by following the instruction I'm trying to update the license. I got license from distributor like this: SYMC BACKUP EXEC 2014 AGENT FOR WINDOWS WIN PER SERVER RENEWAL ESSENTIAL 12 MON...

Backup Exec 2014 SP1 broke Hyper-V GRT

Ever since I updated Backup Exec 2014 to SP1 using Liveupdate, my Hyper-V GRT backups fail and I cannot restore individual files. This makes filer server restores hard, and renders the software pretty useless. I rang tech support and they tried to t...

bdodds1 by Level 2
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Resolved! backup exec 2014 v-ray edition

is the v-ray edition doesn't need an agent on the windows/linux vm like veambackup?  does it mean i can use ms vss shadow copy instead of backupexec vss and there will be big benefit on vpshere replication?  because if i use the agent of backup exec,...

Arnie3 by Level 3
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Resolved! Procedure to Upgrade to Backup Exec 2014 from Backup Exec 2012

Dear All, Presently we are running BE 2012 with SP4 and I do have active maitenance contract with Symantec, I received email from Symantec few months back that BE 2014 is out and now its SP1 is also available. I've downloaded the new version along ...

Wajeeh by Level 4
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Resolved! Backup Exec 2014 V-Ray Licensing

Hi, I have a customer who has the following setup: 2 x Hyper-V host servers (2 sockets each) - each running 5 VM's1 x media server (1 socket)2 x physical servers (2 sockets each) They have purchased the following licences: 4 x V-Ray Tier A licenc...