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jobs gone - sort of!

Level 4
OK - so.....if I look at the Calendar View in the job monitor I see one of my job sets, my daily incremental, set to run as it should....however it is purple and not black like all the other jobs PLUS in the job list view they don't show at all....this is all policy based but I have absolutely no idea what I did to make just the daily ones disappear. I was messing around in the policy but I truly don't know what I could have done.

Anyone know how I can get them back as showing? This is critical as I need them to run daily; and am hoping I don;t have to recreate it.

Server 2003
8 remote agents used
Everything eklse is fine

I did this - I am sure - but have no idea how and am hoping that it's a known issue.

Level 4
Smiley Sad....I now know what the purple means - scheduled job....I have tried changing the schedule in the policy as suggested by others and made a new template off the old one but nothing changes the problem. I think it started when a full job got cancelled; I think I accidentally messed witht he "next run dates" in a template and messed this all up. HELP!!!!
Woman Sad

Level 3
This might be a totally dumb answer, but have you tried restarting the services since all this happened?  I find that it fixes a multitude of evils with this software...

Level 4
Sadly, yes, that is ususally the first thing I try! But....keep thinking! LOL...I need all the help I can get!