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EV_install.nsf modifications on Mailtemplates ?????

Level 3

Hello together,


we´re using EV 9.0.4 for Domino but

i need more detailed informations about the modification process during the "EV_install.nsf-process"

Which modifications are done?

Is there any other who use teammailboxes based on OpenNTF Ver. 3.2.6 and can share some infos or a template

I´ve found an article which is linked to the symantec-partner website,,,,but thats not really a solution ;)

thanks for sharing some infos or help!!


have a nice weekend


kind regards,



Level 5
Employee Accredited


The log files created in EVInstall.nsf when you run the customization process give as detailed an explanation as you should need of exactly what the process is modifying, listing the databases affected and the individual design elements that we either edit or add in each database. Beyond this, if you really need to know at a line by line code level what it changes, then a competent Domino developer should be able to easily diff the before and after of each design element we chnage, but I have never encountered a customer where this level of detail is necessary

The primary tab in EVInstall.nsf targets standard / expected EVDG and mail server configurations, customizing any mail templates that it encounters that have the standard IBM mail template name (e.g. mail*.ntf) and any Forms files that exist on the server too

The second optional mail template customization tab is provided to allow EVInstall.nsf to attempt to inject EV customizations into already customized / non-standard mail and mail-in templates, which possibly can cater for your requirements with any non-standard mail templates that you wish to try and make EV aware. However, EV customizations should only be added to templates that are originally and predominantly based on the original IBM mail or mail-in templates. This tab performs some basic checks to ensure that the targetted template contains an expected mailoutline in its design and, if so, will attempt to inject our EV customizations, but we cannot guarantee that this will always result in a successful fully functional ev aware template, as the potential for conflict or missing functionality is obviously huge when attempting to integrate EV into an effectively unknown template.

So success will depend on how much of the OpenNtf teammailboxes template you refer to is based on the standard IBM mail template. All I can suggest is you try it and see and if the resulting ev_*.ntf template does not work as desired, you are welcome to open a support case and request that it be escalted to the Customer Focus Team (my team) and I will happily review the template you are trying to customize and provide feedback on where and why conflict / missing functionlaity could occur, and whether that can be resolved. No guarantees again that it can be resolved but our intention is always to make a best effort to integrate with any predominantly mail based template that our customers wish to use



Level 3

Hello Paul,

thank you for your explantations...

i had opend a case in the past ;) but symantec suggested me, i´ve to contact an symantec-partner to get my problem solved...

see case:

04830948 Intgration von openNTF [ ref:_00D30jPy._50050MxJeC:ref ]


i did also some unsuccessful tests with the EVInstall.nsf to attempt to inject EV customizations

any hint would be welcome ;)


thanks for your help in the past... ;)


have a nice weekend


kind regards,





Level 5
Employee Accredited
I'll take a look at the case next week and get back to you. Did you provide the template in question to the case as that is ultimately what I need to review? If not, can you send me a copy Thanks Paul

Level 3

Good morning Paul,

you can download the template from


best regards,




Level 5
Employee Accredited
Hi Heino,
I have taken a quick look at that template and it is apparent that we could not add all EV customizations to it automatically for the following reasons:
1. the template does not contain the expected standard mail outline that our code looks for to identify 'mail' based NSFs - 'NotesMailOutline' or 'NotesMailOutlineH'
2. looking at the other design elements in the template and reading the accompanying help and docs with the template, I am guessing it is originally based on the standard mail template from Domino 7.0.1, or possibly earlier. But if I bypass the MailOutline check above and try to add EV customizations the following conflicts with our customization efforts are immediately apparent
- the DatabaseScript script library contains code we are not expecting and we consequently conflict with (we make critical changes here to intercept and redirect client activity)
- the CoreEmailClasses script library is not present (we make critical changes here to intercept and redirect client activity)
- the FollowUpUtilities script library is not present (we make changes here to ensure Follow Up actions are EV aware)
That being said, it is clear that this is a 'mail' template and not an application template and as such, we should be able to provide some form of archiving and retrieval solution for these mail boxes, even if it is only through universal shortcut links, rather than fully functional template customizations.
So, can you possibly open a new Support case and reference this forum thread, and my request that the case gets escalated to backline and ultimately CFT, so we can then discuss the options available to you to provide archiving functionality for these mailboxes.

Level 3

Hello Paul,


i´ve opened a new case for this issue... > 05509348

Thank you very much..!

