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EVault Expiry reports

Level 3

Hi Everyone

Due to legal holds we currently have Expiry/Storage Delete disabled.

I manually run Storage Expiry in 'Report' mode expecting there are no items that qualify, due to none of the Retention catagories being met (not due to haveing this feature disabled)

But the resultanat event below shows

Items marked with archived date based retention categories have been deleted:

5 Year Retention Category (5 years) : 296 items.

Test Retention Category (1 days) : 2526 items.


My question is "How do I find more information here? What Archives contain these qualifying items"?

The Test retention catagory is less concern as it was probably part if the envirnment build out and test (I inhereted the environement) But the 5 year retention catagory has only been around about three years and should have no items qualifying for deletion.

*Enterprise Vault Version 9.0.2 on Windows server 2003 Enterprise 32bit*

*SQL Server 2005 standard 32bit on Windows 2008 server standard 32bit*


Start Time: 5/14/2014 2:12 PM

End Time: 5/14/2014 2:24 PM 

Event Type:      Information

Event Source:   Enterprise Vault

Event Category:            Storage Delete

Event ID:          7086

Date:                5/14/2014

Time:                2:24:13 PM

User:                N/A

Computer:        xxxEVMSG1


Storage Expiry Report (Report Mode)

Vault Store Name: Email Archive

Vault Store Id: 15CB3E51D33062D4087AE9DD982E188471210000EVSite1


Number of vaults processed: 2810

Number of vaults enabled for expiry: 2810

Total number of expired items: 2822

Items marked with sent\received date based retention categories have been deleted:


Items marked with archived date based retention categories have been deleted:

5 Year Retention Category (5 years) : 296 items.

Test Retention Category (1 days) : 2526 items.

Start Time: 5/14/2014 2:12 PM

End Time: 5/14/2014 2:24 PM 


Any direction would be appreciated as I continue to search on my own.

It's always something.


Partner    VIP    Accredited

it's possible that spam or otherwise malformed emails with invalid date stamps have entered your system. however, just because you've had EV for only 3 years doesnt mean that users didnt have email before you started archiving.

Level 6

There is an option when you import users mail (PST imports, etc.) to keep the original datestamp of the email, or to give it a new one - specific to retention concerns.