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Enterprise Vault and mail with only attachements in the body

Level 3

Hello everyone,

I've set on my Enterprise vault a policy to create shortcut of e-mail, to remove attachements but leaving the full body of it.

Some of my users are sending only (big of course) attachements in some of their message without any text and enterprise vault while archiving doesn't remove the attachement as it's in the body...

Is there a away to deal with this kind of e-mail ?



Level 6

Which version of Enterprise Vault?

What exactly do you have set on your archiving policy, on the shortcut content tab?  I have :-

Include recipient information: ticked

Content of shortcut body: Use message body

When shortcut is opened : show contents


When I archive an item that has text in the body, the shortcut ends up with the same text in the body.  When I archive an item that has text in the body, and an attachment, the shortcut ends up with text in the body, and when looking in the preview pane this .. for the attachment :



eula.1042.txt (20.8KB)
When I archive an item that has an attachment, the shortcut ends up like this :
eula.1042.txt (20.8KB)
Of course when you double click on the item, and the Outlook form loads, the item is properly rendered, eg :
Working for

Level 3

Forgot to add theses info.

So i'm running Enterprise Vault 9.0.1

In shortcut content tab i have the same things you have :

Include recipient information: ticked


Content of shortcut body: Use message body

When shortcut is opened : show contents

Below one of thoses mails (not necesseraly PDF files, could be MS Office files..) :

(Open from Outlook without EV add-ons to let you see the issue)

Level 6

Okay let me try again with a different message format (RTF), and Outlook 2003 ( I was using Outlook 2007 )

Working for

Level 6

Okay on the face of it what you see looks fine..  You've OPENED the archived item, which means the contents are retrieved.


What size is the item in the mailbox now?


What happens in the PREVIEW / READING pane?


In my test just now I cut and pasted at 26 Kb Word document in to a mail.  I then archived it, and in the preview pane it looks as I described before 



test123.doc (25.5KB)
When I double click to open it, it shows as you demonstrated.. because the item is retrieved including it's contents.
So check the preview pane, and the size in the mailbox...  and I think you're seeing the "right thing".
Working for

Level 3

Thanks for your tests.

As i've said before, i've opened a shortcut without the addon to let you see the size of the e-mail.

Here's another capture with the preview pane only.

As you can see this is a 1 Mb archived mail and the mail only have a attached file.

Level 6

I'm not sure you are showing me the right thing....  Can you explain how you're doing the initial attachment of the (in this case) PDF file?


Or put another way .. I need more exact repro steps, because, it doesn't repro for me at all..

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