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Failed to synchronize: Access is denied

Level 4
When I stop the Mailbox Archiving Task, then go into Properties and click "Synchronize i get an error message stating: "Failed to synchronize Enterprise Vault with details from Exchange Server exchangeservername. Reason: Access is denied"
I'm using the Vault Service account. Which security privileges should this account have?

Level 4
As per the Administrators guide, I've given the account the following permissions on the Vault server:

Act as part of the operating system
Log on locally
Log on as a service

Replace a process level token.


Are there any other permissions required on the Vault server? What about the Exchange server, do I need to set more permissions there? Both the Vault server nor the Exchange server show any evidence of security errors in the event viewer.

Level 4
Given the same permissions to the account on the Exchange server. Still the Access Denied error. Haven't checked with the Security Analyzer wether the security settings are set right, though. Local settings (as per the Admin Guide) should be superseded by GPO settings, so perhaps something's still wrong their. Any help would be appreciated though!

Level 6
Employee Accredited
Sounds to me like an issue with the ev system mailbox....can you try and log into the ev system mailbox (you can check on the properties of the archive task which mailbox this is)...see if you can log into it as the vault service account.
Even if you can log into it, try changing the sys mailbox to another mailbox on the properties of the task (as a test - use a different service mailbox or and make sure vault service can log onto it), restart the task and see if you still get the error.
If you no longer get the error - create a new ev sys mailbox on that exch server and change the task to use that instead.
(Vault service account perms....local admin on ev server and any exch server you archive, part of the global Administrators group (not domain admins) and domain users groups only, also full exch admin with send/as and receive/as rights at the admin group level)

Message Edited by andra christie on 05-02-200701:39 PM