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File Archiving Expire - has it completed? How can I monitor?

Level 4
We are currently testing EV for along term archive. We have set up the retention policy for a 5 day retention Shortcuts have been set up as "delete placeholders for items that have been deleted from archives". A large number of files have expired. Some files appear to have been deleted on a run last week (the server was down over the weekend) and a manual expiry job was started this morning. The shortcuts for the files still exist although if clicked on I get the message "the remote storage service was not able to recall the file". A few questions: 1. Is there any way I can check if the expire job I started this morning is still running - there is no message in the system logs for today to indicate completion. 2. Is there any way to check which files have expired and been deleted? 3. What process is used to expire these files, is the data deleted from the Vault first then later the shortcut deleted? Are they done at the same time? 4. What happens if there is a system failure part way through expiry - can we get left with files undeleted? With shortcuts that no longer point to files? Thanks for any advice.

Level 6
To have placeholders he will need to remove the "Archive Copy and Reset" option. The user will not be able to delete the archived file if the option "Prevent deletion of archived items in this category" is checked on the EV retention policy

Event Log "Storage Delete" entries state that "Expiry based on sent/received date"
I get this Log Entry when I run in Report Mode:
Event Type: Information
Event Source: Enterprise Vault
Event Category: Storage Delete
Event ID: 6613
Date: 5/16/2006
Time: 4:02:30 PM
User: N/A
Computer: TAC-APP001
Storage Expiry Report (Report Mode)

Vault Store Name: IMStore
Vault Store Id: 17C16672CE7E4754BAC0DD1D956FE2F1D1210000vaultsite

Number of vaults processed: 1
Number of vaults enabled for expiry: 1
Total number of expired items: 6742

Items have expired with the following retention categories:
IM Archiving Data (1 days) : 6742 items.

File Archiving retention is determined by archived date only

Level 6
The option for "Delete expired items from this archive automatically" selected on the File Archive. Select this to allow Storage Expiry to delete items from this archive when their Retention Periods expire.
Note that Storage Expiry does not run unless you set a schedule for it on the Storage Expiry tab of the Site Properties

Level 4
Thanks for the initial comments above.

To have placeholders he will need to remove the "Archive Copy and Reset" option - where is this option? I cant see it.

The user will not be able to delete the archived file if the option "Prevent deletion of archived items in this category" is checked on the EV retention policy - Users are not allowed to delete.

Expire is set to run daily and I have started manual expires

I think the settings are correct, I really just wonder how I can monitor the expiry - Archiving and shortcut creation produce proper reporst showing each object actioned - expiry is just a summary entry!

I also want to make sure thatthe shortcuts are getting deleted when the files are, at the moment this isnt certain. I also want to understand the implications of a system failure during the expire process. How do I tell where it got to? Does it finish off after the system comes back up?

Level 6
Go into the properties of the FSA policy (Policies -> File Archiving -> Folder ) then right click on the folder you want to make this change for and select properties.On the rules tab, select all the rules and go to edit. Make sure that for "rule type" you have set "Archive copy and reset" selected.

Level 6
Orphaned shortcut deletion is done by the synchronisation task (FSA archiving task)
* You can configure the run time for the shortcut deletion for once a week, setting a day and time (the deletion will not however take place at this time)
* You can configure synchronization to run up to two times a day, at an hour AM and PM.
* Orphaned shortcut deletion will take place at the first synchronisation past the deletion time and date configured.
* Manual Synch will only delete orphaned shortcuts if it is run between the scheduled time for deletion and the first scheduled synchronization.
Easiest is to run with FSAUtility a Utility-Job