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Offline Vault Question

Level 4
We seem to be having an issue with Offline Vault.  If a user logs into a 2003 client with cached exchange mode, it will sychronize/download the offline vault.  That part works as expected.
But, if that same user then logs into lets say a 2000 client and creates a new outlook profile, it tries again to download the offline vault files, even though no folders have been made available offline.  I want to enable offline vault for all users through the policy, but should this function like this?
Also, if this is working as expected, is there a way to turn off the offline vault for a specific machine.

Level 6
If a user has been enabled or chooses to enable Offline Vault then EV will attempt to create an OV cache on which ever machine they logon to assuming that Offline Files/Folders are enabled in OLK2K or Cached Exchange mode in OLK2K3.
The only way to control this behavior (assuming that EV extensions are deployed on all machines and that Offline functionality is enabled in all OLK clients) is if you script the deployment of the OVEnabled reg key.

Message Edited by Alan M on 05-23-200701:47 PM

Level 4
Is there an OVDisable registry key where I can selectively disable this on certain systems, overriding the policy.

Level 6
No. OVEnabled is either 1 or 0 (enabled or disabled) which comes back to my script suggestion. i.e. if machinename = machineA then set ovenabled to 0. Of course this only works if this if OV is optional for users (users enable in the OV policy settings).