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Report Mode and Custom Filtering

Level 5
I am trying to set up custom filtering based on attachment type. I updated the registry and created a ruleset file for my test mailbox. I did a report mode run on the test mailbox, and EV did not take my ruleset file into consideration.

So my initial question is when running in report mode, does EV check for a ruleset file and adjust it's criteria accordingly?


Level 6
Robert, off the top of my head, I would doubt it. If someone else knows about this for a fact please speak up.

Level 5
This morning, when I run the task in report mode, I am getting XML syntax errors in my event logs. Not sure why it was not doing this yesterday as the syntax errors were still in the file at that time. (Possibly the service restarts after last night's backup routines?)

In any case, it does appear report mode takes the rule set files into consideration.

Level 6
Very cool!

Level 5
Guess I spoke too soon. I had some doubts if the edits in my xml file were being recognized, so I threw in some bad syntax, and ran the report. I did not see any XML errors this time. So at this point, not incredibly sure what the story is. I've reposted this just so I wasn't spreading possible incorrect info on the forums.