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What's in a DVS file

Level 6
I understand that the DVS file contains a compressed copy of the original archived item and approx. 5 Kb of meta data. Is this correct?

What does the metadata consist of?

Level 6
A dvs consists of the original msg, and the HTML raster of the message (or attachment). All the metadata about the dvs file is stored in SQL.


Level 6
Partner Accredited
You are correct, the dvs does contain the original archived item and metadata - though the metadata size depends on a number of things including SIS - you can sometimes find that the metadata is larger than the message itself.

what's inside it - and yes i should know this off the top of my head - inlcudes per user information, index data and some other bits and pieces - I can check this out tomorrow if you really need to know.

Level 6

I would be interested in hearing about the metadata that is stored in a DVS file. Looking at Micah's earlier post I am little confused. So far we have the DVS contains the original message, an HTML/Text raster of the message body and possibly the attachment and possibly some metadata.

Micah, can you add anything?


> You are correct, the dvs does contain the original
> archived item and metadata - though the metadata size
> depends on a number of things including SIS - you can
> sometimes find that the metadata is larger than the
> message itself.
> what's inside it - and yes i should know this off the
> top of my head - inlcudes per user information, index
> data and some other bits and pieces - I can check
> this out tomorrow if you really need to know.

Level 6
Partner Accredited
What's in a DVS, just had a quick look at one now.

- Archived item - this is the message in compressed format HTML or text, and some MAPI elements of the message
- Indexable metadata and items - this is the short details of what is indexed
- Per user information - transaction id, vault id, number of sharers of the dvs(for SIS).
- Custom metadata if any.

Thats about it.

Level 4
What program are you using to view the DVS file?

Level 6
I'm sorta interested in knowing that too.


Level 6
Partner Accredited
It's an internal utility called dvsspy - very handy in some situations.

Level 4
Thanks, that is good to know. Do you think there's any chance of getting ahold of a copy if I call Support?

Level 6
Or any chance of a copy *cough* falling off a bus *cough* ? :)


Level 6
Partner Accredited
I don't know which way to answer this one - it is internal - not really my call to make :|

Level 6

No you cannot have a copy. You have to remember we have competitors and we have to weight up the sharing of information of how our product works with our customers against how such information can be used against us (even if in a mis-interpreted way)