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Enterprise Vault

Discussion Posts

Fail over and recovery

I'd like to hear your views about what could be the best EV hardware architecture to recover EV datas as quickly as possible after a disaster . We've only just started the deployment (only for a few users) . For the moment, we've only a single EV ser...

EV 2007

Anyone know when this will be released for general use - where can we get a copy from I asume it will be a free upgrade if we have support. What will be the advantage of EV 2007 over EV 7 SP2. Many thanks for your help. 

The fastest PST imports - How ?

Enterprise Vault 6 SP3 Servers ConfigurationWindows 2003 Servers R2 SP1Quad Dual Core CPU (AMD 2.8 GHz)8GB RAM  Dear All  We have been working on trying to identify the best way to migrate a large number of PST files .We have some fast servers, SAN a...

Danne by Level 3
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Admin Console and User Extensions

We are running v7 sp1 of Enterprise Vault for Exchange.  It's not really a problem I'm having as such but I'm trying to install the administration console and user extensions on my workstation.  I have successfully installed the Admin console and it ...

One EV Server, Two EV Sites?

Hello, Is it possible to have two enterprise vault sites on one enterprise vault server?  I don't think it is possible, so i'm hoping someone can confirm for me? Thank you,Brian Lynch

EV7 SP2 or EV 2007

Hello FolksWe are currently running EV6 SP2 with two backend Exchange 2003 servers, one Exchange 2003 Front End Server and one EV Server.We will be looking to upgrade our version of Enterprise Vault as soon as we have built a suitable test enviroment...

Delete mail gets Access Denied

Hi!Environment is EV7.0 sp1 on W2K3 SP1. Outlook clients is Outlook 2007.On Site level the checkbox to allow users to delete from own archive is checked and on the mailbox policy "deletion behaviour" is set to ask user.When a user deletes an archived...

Deletion of archived email

I found something strange with the deletion behavior of archived email. The EV version is 6.0 SP2 Colleagues using Outlook 2002, open the archived email and press the delete button, it will prompt for permanently delete the email. If say yes to this ...

Can not find data from imported PST when performing search.

Yesterday we imported some PSTs into a Vault mailbox archive. When I search via the browser search or Discovery Accelerator, I do not see any results from the recently imported data. I searched the Partition and found that the DVS files are there for...

JT_2 by Level 3
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Decommissioning Exchange servers

We built a new Exchange 2003 server, to replace an older Exchange 2003  server. All mailboxes were moved from the old server to the new one. Per Document ID 286709, I need to run a sql script against the  exchangemailboxentry table that shows all act...