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restoreshortcutbody process

Level 4


i am following this article

to insert the hyperlink in the shortcut of the archived messages

i started this process on Friday night, and monitored with outlook custom search folder.

i also launched the private queue monitor and the A3 queue briefly showed the number 1

no shortcuts were modified. on Saturday morning still nothing happened and i restarted the EV server (version 10 sp1 on windows 2008 r2) and started the process again (making sure it is report mode, all items and selected only 1 archive (mine)

on Monday morning nothing had happened and we are Thursday morning and still no change, i have logged a support case but the engineer assigned to the case has no experience with this and i have asked him to escalate the case but this is not happening right now.

my archive is about 5gb in size with 75,000 items and my exchange mailbox (Exchange 2010 sp2 ru3)  is about 800mb. i cannot see any increased activity on either exchange, outlook or on the ev server.

i am going to have to disabled the registry entry as we are running our weekly archive tasks on Thursday evenings and i will put it back on tomorrow and launch it once more.

any suggestions on what i can do/try in addition to what i have done?




Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

It appears from my preliminary test that EV9 and EV10 differ slightly.

The only difference I could see was the following:

working (on my test system, EV10 sp1) - shortcut processing only mode

3096    23:02:28.068     [2856]    (ArchiveTask)    <5164>    EV:M    {AgentMessageDispenser::ActivateObject:#1953} Priority: [True], reporting mode: [False], run now mode: [RN_SCPROCESSING (0x2)], continuous mode: [False], msgs to archive per pass: [10], processing disabled and suspended mbxs: [False], rollover log file: [True].

not working on your system: shortcut and archiving mode

{AgentMessageDispenser::ActivateObject:#1953} Priority: [True], reporting mode: [True], run now mode: [RN_ARCHIVING, RN_SCPROCESSING (0x3)], continuous mode: [True], msgs to archive per pass: [200], processing disabled and suspended mbxs: [False], rollover log file: [True].

So I tried again with shortcut and archiving mode, and low and behold - no shortcuts were processed.

With EV9, shortcuts were processed in all modes. I'm not surprised it would be changed. RestoreShortcutBody set incorrectly was a big headache.

So. Run this again as RUN NOW, shortcut only mode.




View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner Accredited

Run a Dtrace on the Archiving task.

Level 6
Accredited Certified

Do you have messages in the A1 queue at all? this may cause a problem if you do. Essentially the shortcuts will be process by the A1 queue after they have been processed by the A3 queue.

Reg key set correctly and in the right loccation?

Have you tried performing a manually Run Now using Report against your mailbox? Like ZeroCool mentioned, do this whilst the dtrace for the archiving task is enabled. Also check the Event logs too.


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

LCT actually that wont happen. A1 processes as a priority over A3 so all that might happen is that a shortcut gets written (already with the new policy) and then gets written again because of restoreshortcutbody when the report run happens.

However, it does seem like it is not firing.

You dont need to be in report mode for this to work either - it is just recommended because it is so intensive when in full flow (massive exchange logs generated too).

Can you let us know the exact path and type of reg key that you created just so we know it is in the right place. Export the registry and do a cut paste so any typos become apparent.

Also, stop the archiving task, then set up a dtrace on archivetask, start the archiving task again and do a RUN NOW against a single mailbox (yours?) and post the results here.




Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

One other thing...are your NEW shortcuts getting the hyperlink? i.e. do you know your new message format is ok?

Level 6
Accredited Certified

I always thought that after the A3 processes the user's mailbox then they are pushed to the A1 queue for them to be post processed as they need updating Jeff? Just did a quick test and that what's I can see as well. May be I need to understand more by look at the dtrace of the process. learn something new every day :)

Level 4

yes new shortcuts have the hyperlink

Level 4

here is the reg key export

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\KVS\Enterprise Vault\Agents]


I will run this task against my mailbox after this evenings weekly archive tasks and will run the dtrace and log the output in this post.

thanks for all the help so far

Level 6
Accredited Certified

So the shortcuts have been recreated and updated? What exactly is your issue? What's not working for you?

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

how are you running the task? through report mode?
I'm pretty sure in EV8+ you just run it normally but Shortcut Processing Only and not in report mode

but could be wrong on that one

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

LCT - thats not quite what i was getting at. If you have A1 messages then they are processed as a priority over A3 messages, so if you were attempting to process lots of mailboxes then there would be pauses whilst post-processing via A1 happened. If you launch one mailbox at a time though then you will see the mailbox complete (as the archiving task already has its directive) and A1 messages will process afterwards.

I havent checked on 10, but the 9 documentation was a little wrong in that this process fires whatever the archiving a couple of large customers found out with pretty nasty consequences.

Level 6
Accredited Certified i understand your original point too. Thanks for explaining. Cheers.

Level 4

i started process and have attached dtrace log file

i tried posting it in this message but it did not like certain characters so have attached it

same thing happened, a3 queue briefly showed qty 1 and then back to 0


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified


You should have the following line posted:

CArchivingAgent::RestoreShortcutBody - Exchange shortcut found

but, for some reason you don't.

Reg key looks ok.



Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

It appears from my preliminary test that EV9 and EV10 differ slightly.

The only difference I could see was the following:

working (on my test system, EV10 sp1) - shortcut processing only mode

3096    23:02:28.068     [2856]    (ArchiveTask)    <5164>    EV:M    {AgentMessageDispenser::ActivateObject:#1953} Priority: [True], reporting mode: [False], run now mode: [RN_SCPROCESSING (0x2)], continuous mode: [False], msgs to archive per pass: [10], processing disabled and suspended mbxs: [False], rollover log file: [True].

not working on your system: shortcut and archiving mode

{AgentMessageDispenser::ActivateObject:#1953} Priority: [True], reporting mode: [True], run now mode: [RN_ARCHIVING, RN_SCPROCESSING (0x3)], continuous mode: [True], msgs to archive per pass: [200], processing disabled and suspended mbxs: [False], rollover log file: [True].

So I tried again with shortcut and archiving mode, and low and behold - no shortcuts were processed.

With EV9, shortcuts were processed in all modes. I'm not surprised it would be changed. RestoreShortcutBody set incorrectly was a big headache.

So. Run this again as RUN NOW, shortcut only mode.




Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

By the way, I did a little more testing after the above and it looks like REPORT MODE no longer works with RestoreShortcutBody in EV10. For any eager Symantec employees reading, I guess this needs confirming and then documenting in the technote :)




Level 4

ok, will try that, i asked symantec support engineer but he said the technote states is applicable to ev 10 sp1 and i responded by saying that the technote may be incorrect. btw he tested the technote in his lab but the version of EV server he tested it on was EV8. i have asked him it he could test on EV10 sp 1.

have not heard back, i will do the shortcut processing this evening after office hours as i am not sure how this impacts on the EV server / exchange servers involved

many thanks for the input so far


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

The impact was fairly huge, with the archiving run using more CPU and taking a lot longer than normal, and the transaction logs growing massively in exchange. Essentially each shortcut is re-written, so if you are not using shortcut expiry, and have a large backlog of items, get ready for monster exchange logs.

In its new form, where it only appears to run in shortcut processing mode, the impact will be less, but you are taking exactly the right approach. It *might* take longer than a day to complete though.



Level 4

i kicked of shortcut processing and it starts to work immediately, queue a3 went up to qty 1 and back down to 0 but when monitoring the outlook folder using modified date for the enterprise vault shortcuts i can see the changes happening and the hyperlink being insterted

hopefully this will be finished by tomorrow morning as it has 75k shortcuts to process :) will keep an ey on the cas server. we have a fairly large log file drive so hopefully it will be fine

so it looks like technote does not apply to EV 10 as you suggested and will let the symantec tech know who has been working on my case

i will keep you posted


Level 6
I wonder whether the change in EV 10 was a deliberate or accidental one? Maybe it is worth asking your support rep that too?
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