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restoreshortcutbody process

Level 4


i am following this article

to insert the hyperlink in the shortcut of the archived messages

i started this process on Friday night, and monitored with outlook custom search folder.

i also launched the private queue monitor and the A3 queue briefly showed the number 1

no shortcuts were modified. on Saturday morning still nothing happened and i restarted the EV server (version 10 sp1 on windows 2008 r2) and started the process again (making sure it is report mode, all items and selected only 1 archive (mine)

on Monday morning nothing had happened and we are Thursday morning and still no change, i have logged a support case but the engineer assigned to the case has no experience with this and i have asked him to escalate the case but this is not happening right now.

my archive is about 5gb in size with 75,000 items and my exchange mailbox (Exchange 2010 sp2 ru3)  is about 800mb. i cannot see any increased activity on either exchange, outlook or on the ev server.

i am going to have to disabled the registry entry as we are running our weekly archive tasks on Thursday evenings and i will put it back on tomorrow and launch it once more.

any suggestions on what i can do/try in addition to what i have done?




Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

I think it was probably deliberate since I previously raised it as an issue internally... ;)

Level 4

sorry did not see this post before

issue is that the hyperlinks only worked on newly archived messages and i needed them to be inserted in 10 years worth of archived emails.

Level 4

in 2 hours time 14k messages have been processed (out of 79k) and the log files for this mailstore have gone up from 200mb to 1.8gb in that period

i have another 40gb available on the log partion on the mailbox server

the ev server /cas and mailbox servers are not showing any signs of cpu or ram fatigue, i reckon that in 8 hours it will have finished.

the other mailbox i need to process have much smaller archives so will do those one by one over the course of this week overnight


Level 4

just got word that the technote has been updated and is just waiting to be released (it was already in the making)

here is the new step7

7. Under number of eligible items,
    - Versions 2007 SP6 and below select Report on All Items
    - Versions 8.0 and above select Shortcut Processing

I just wished they had updated it a couple of weeks ago.

i forgot to ask whether this was a deliberate or accidental change. btw finished processing 7 hours after it started. not too many issues with large exchange log files. but definately something i will run overnight only.

6 more mailboxes to go and all done, thanks so much for helping out resolving this issue.


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

hmm. Shame it's still wrong.

EV8 - 9 works in all modes

EV10 shortcut processing only.

