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Replication Progess in PD

Level 2

Hi Guys,


Does anyone know how to detemine the number of batches in a replication job (or know of a good way of tell me how far through the replication is)? I know sometimes if you're quick enough you can see the number of replication batches listed at the begining of the job but after that I don't seem to be able to find it.. I tried extracting the job logs but I don't get anything of any real use. I suspect the job log isn't fully written until the end.


Any help would be appreciated.



Level 6

I just tried this on my SPA, it shows you the "beginning" bit of the job log, which has the batch numbers - this is what you want, right?

Not sure if you can do this while the replication is running, though.

I guess you can - try, it will not hurt...

(all the numbers below have been replaced from original to 12345s) 


= = =


# /opt/pddb/bin/psql -U pddb ca
[provide your DB password here]

ca=# select id, workflowstepid, log from jobstep where jobid=12345;
   id   | workflowstepid |                      log
 12345 |           54321 |

. [01:23:45]
. *** Start: ReplicationInit ***
. [01:23:45] Replicating dataselection 12345
. [01:23:46] URL of remote SPA:
. [01:23:47] The metadatafilter was unchanged in your policy.
. [01:23:48] Forwarding to storagepool: 123
. [01:23:49] Forwarding from storagepool: 321
. [01:23:50] Retrieving mirror for dataselection: 123
. [01:23:51] Forwarding batchNumbers:12345, 12346, 12347
. [01:23:52]

Message Edited by Abesama on 09-26-2008 03:39 PM

Level 2

Hi Aaron,


I've just noticed your post which is similar to an issue i am experiencing. It's difficult trying to work out how far through the job is, did you have any joy with the suggestion below or have you worked out any other methods??





Level 2

Hi Andy,


I'd like to take credit for this but I can't, I ended up logging this one with Symantec who were also a little puzzled as how to do it (unless you catch it at the very beginning). This is convoluted but it does work and at least until the next release it's the only way to do it. From a shell prompt on the PD server which contains the selection run this:


/opt/pddb/bin/psql -U pddb mb -c "select batchnr,count(id),sum(size) from ds_raw_<DSID> group by batchnr order by batchnr" > /tmp/ds2batchsize.out


Replace the <DSID> (including the brackets, from memory) with the data selection ID, which can be found by bringing up the data selection and looking on the general tab. This produced a file listing all the batch numbers, obviously if you go to the end of the file the last batch number is your answer. (I'm running 6.5 but I imagine it's work for all version)


Kind regards



Message Edited by AaronG on 11-25-2008 10:17 PM

Level 2

Hi Aaron,


Thanks for that, much appreciated. It looks to work with our version (6.2) but comes back with an error as follows:


relation "ds_raw_9" does not exist


Im assuming the number i need to input is the data selection ID, as you mentioned which in our case is a single number in the data selection general info?? When i try this with the brackets i get the following error:


 error at or near "<" at character 48


This then points to the < character at the following stage ds_raw_<9>



Any further thoughts??





Level 2

Just tried again without the _raw section, so just ds_9 and this seems to work.


Any ideas what exactly the 'sum' column refers to? Assuming this is the size of the  batch run, is in bytes?





Level 2

Hi Andy,


I'm not sure about that either but I made the same assumption as you did. The strange thing is that the 'sum' has different values for the first 6 or so then all are 10485760 and somewhere down teh track it changes again




batchnr | count | sum


1 | 29 | 7311318

2 | 4 | 12406020

3 | 19 | 9469231

4 | 2 | 3955815

5 | 1 | 614481920

6 | 10 | 4707205120

7 | 10 | 10485760

8 | 10 | 10485760

9 | 10 | 10485760

10 | 10 | 10485760

11 | 10 | 10485760

12 | 10 | 10485760

13 | 10 | 10485760


731 | 10 | 10485760

732 | 10 | 10485760

733 | 10 | 10485760

734 | 15 | 6291456

735 | 45 | 8360596

736 | 33 | 13840000

737 | 4 | 8174711

738 | 1 | 922763264

739 | 563 | 5722226688

740 | 10 | 10485760

741 | 10 | 10485760


Level 2
Partner Accredited
Thanks for this information, I am a little unsure how you actually see how much data from this list has actually been done. Does anyone know this information is held?