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A Linux server backup to a Windows media server fails with an error 83

Level 3

We have a linux server (RHEL 6.5 with a clieant ver 8.1.1) which have to be backed up to a windows media server (Windows server 2022 with a media server (media and storage server roles), which has the MSDP storage based on local drive.
However this linux client backup to a windows media server fails with the error:
1: (83) media open error 

The same server can be successfully backed up to a neighbour linux media server.

The master server for both those media servers is Linux RHEL 8.5 machine with Netbackup ver

Dear netbackup specialists, i beg for help, as i am out of ideas what i did wrong.

Thank you.


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified


Other than 8.1.1 not being supported (its EOL) with 10.0,  there should be no reason for it to fail (if its a backup of a client, over the network to the media server).

Can the windows media server back itself up?  I would expect that a status 83 is caused by connection use between media server and the Storage Server and not the client to media server, so making sure that that media server can backup other clients to the SAME storage would be the first thing I would test here...

Is this just a "Standard" policy?
Are you trying to use other features such as "accelerator" ?

Check the policy configuration, and the Storage configuration. 

Are storage units configured to use the correct media server?  And does the media server in the storage unit have ability to talk to the disk pool.

Check that Storage servers, have credentials to use them, and also check that the diskpool is in an UP state..



Dear StoneRam-Simon.
Thank you for your answer.

We have to use client 8.1.1 for this is the only client successfully instaled on Linux RHEL 6.5.

Yes, this media-server can backup itself and some of the windows-based clients also do backups to it storage.  

Yes, the policy type is "Standard" as its recommended in the manual. No, we dont use features.

Policy configuration is the same as other 20 policies for linux clients. Storage configuration is the same as other 8  working storage configuration for media-servers.

Yes, storage units configured to use the correct media server and the media server in the storage unit has the ability to talk to its disk pool. In other case it would be not possible to backup other clients to this media-server.

The thing is that only the linux server fails tobackup to the windows-based media-server, but successfully did backup to the linux-based media-server.

May be it lacks some rights but i cannot figure out which ones, so i begged for help ))

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Can you provide the "detailed status" log messages from the failed job so we can try and work out what is taking place prior to the status 83 being returned.

Here is the detailed status of the Job:

26.12.2023 10:35:05 - Info nbjm (pid=2050303) starting backup job (jobid=123485) for client <client>, policy <policy>, schedule <client>_Full
26.12.2023 10:35:05 - Info nbjm (pid=2050303) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=123485, request id:{49DFA7B6-A3C1-11EE-A293-B328636E503D})
26.12.2023 10:35:05 - requesting resource  <mediaserver_resource>-localdrive-stu
26.12.2023 10:35:05 - requesting resource  <masterserver_resource>.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.<client>
26.12.2023 10:35:05 - granted resource  <masterserver_resource>.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.<client>
26.12.2023 10:35:05 - granted resource  MediaID=@aaaaI;DiskVolume=PureDiskVolume;DiskPool=<diskpool>-localdrive;Path=PureDiskVolume;StorageServer=<mediaserver>;MediaServer=<mediaserver>
26.12.2023 10:35:05 - granted resource  <mediaserver_resource>-localdrive-stu
26.12.2023 10:35:05 - estimated 38 kbytes needed
26.12.2023 10:35:05 - begin Parent Job
26.12.2023 10:35:05 - begin Stream Discovery:Stream Discovery
Operation Status: 0
26.12.2023 10:35:05 - end Stream Discovery:Stream Discovery; elapsed time 0:00:00
26.12.2023 10:35:05 - begin Stream Discovery:Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed
Operation Status: 83
26.12.2023 10:35:28 - end Stream Discovery:Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed; elapsed time 0:00:23
26.12.2023 10:35:28 - begin Stream Discovery:Stop On Error
Operation Status: 0
26.12.2023 10:35:28 - end Stream Discovery:Stop On Error; elapsed time 0:00:00
Operation Status: 83
26.12.2023 10:35:28 - end Parent Job; elapsed time 0:00:23
media open error  (83)

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Nothing jumps out at me from that...
Only thing that I would want to check if if you are using MULTIPLE DATA STREAMS in the policy, and for some reason the client is not able to handle that...  
The reason I ask that is because I see that the error occurs during the "Streams Discovery"
I remember reading that the Latest versions of NBU require the use of PBX and certified connections between hosts.

So if you have configured the client to NOT use certificates, or you have told it to use legacy ports this may not work with multiple streams.


The job you shared is parent job,
Please share child job.
Based on it we can tell you which logs to
Enable if needed for further troubleshooting

Level 3

Hello, dear colleagues.

MULTIPLE DATA STREAMS off or on - doesnt change situation, sorry.

As for Hamza_H question, here is the output from child job:
17.01.2024 16:23:46 - Info nbjm (pid=2050303) starting backup job (jobid=138090) for client <client>, policy <policy>, schedule HP6_Full
17.01.2024 16:23:46 - Info nbjm (pid=2050303) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=138090, request id:{A4F01CEA-B53B-11EE-8210-7DC35D64713C})
17.01.2024 16:23:46 - requesting resource  <localrecourse>
17.01.2024 16:23:46 - requesting resource  <masterserver>.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.<client>
17.01.2024 16:23:47 - granted resource  <masterserver>.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.<client>
17.01.2024 16:23:47 - granted resource  MediaID=@aaaaI;DiskVolume=PureDiskVolume;DiskPool=localdrive;Path=PureDiskVolume;StorageServer=<mediaserver>;MediaServer=<mediaserver>
17.01.2024 16:23:47 - granted resource  <localrecourse>
17.01.2024 16:23:48 - estimated 403611609 kbytes needed
17.01.2024 16:23:48 - Info nbjm (pid=2050303) started backup (backupid=<client>_1705497828) job for client <client>, policy <policy>, schedule HP6_Full on storage unit <localrecourse>
17.01.2024 16:23:50 - started process bpbrm (pid=11408)
17.01.2024 16:23:51 - Info bpbrm (pid=11408) The data-in-transit encryption is disabled as the client (<client>) version is earlier than 9.1
17.01.2024 16:23:57 - Info bpbrm (pid=11408) <client> is the host to backup data from
17.01.2024 16:23:57 - Info bpbrm (pid=11408) reading file list for client
17.01.2024 16:23:58 - Info bpbrm (pid=11408) accelerator enabled
17.01.2024 16:23:58 - Info bpbrm (pid=11408) There is no complete backup image match with track journal, a regular full backup will be performed.
17.01.2024 16:23:58 - connecting
17.01.2024 16:23:59 - Info bpbrm (pid=11408) starting bpbkar32 on client
17.01.2024 16:23:59 - Info bpbkar32 (pid=18241) Backup started
17.01.2024 16:23:59 - Info bptm (pid=7928) start
17.01.2024 16:23:59 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00
17.01.2024 16:24:01 - Info bptm (pid=7928) using 262144 data buffer size
17.01.2024 16:24:01 - Info bptm (pid=7928) setting receive network buffer to 1049600 bytes
17.01.2024 16:24:01 - Info bptm (pid=7928) using 30 data buffers
17.01.2024 16:24:02 - Info <mediaserver> (pid=7928) Using OpenStorage client direct to backup from client <client> to <mediaserver>
17.01.2024 16:24:04 - Critical bptm (pid=7928) sts_open_target_server failed: error 2060023 server is shut down
17.01.2024 16:24:04 - Critical bptm (pid=7928) failure to open proxy target server <mediaserver>: plug-in reports error 2060023 server is shut down
17.01.2024 16:24:04 - Error bptm (pid=7928) Could not set last backup info to client 2060001
17.01.2024 16:24:10 - Info bpbkar32 (pid=18241) done. status: 83: media open error
17.01.2024 16:24:10 - end writing
media open error  (83)

There are no other job records exist.

please, advise

Hi @netbackup_dummy 

From the above post, the current problem is the MSDP storage on the media server is not working properly - storage server down. You will need to investigate this to resolve.

17.01.2024 16:24:04 - Critical bptm (pid=7928) sts_open_target_server failed: error 2060023 server is shut down


Level 3

Dear davidmoline.

Let me contradict you.

The only server that cannot do backup on this windows media-server is the Linux server.

The same Linux server successfully does backups on Linux media-server and any other windows servers can do backups on this windows media-server.

And that was my initial suggestion - may be i did something wrong with access rights...

Please advise

Level 3

Dear colleagues,
No suggestions?