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Addition of another appliance

Level 3


We currently have two NBU environments.  One is being decommissioned due to that service being no longer needed.

The one that is staying is a Windows Master server and 5220 appliance with two additional shelves.  The appliance that I have going 'spare' is a 5230 with one additional shelf.

What is the best way to add the 5230 appliances to the existing environment?  Will I be able to add it as just additional storage to the existing appliance?

Thanks in advance,



Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Run nbdecommission in the old environment to get it out of the configuration.
Then run a factory reset or reimage using the iso image
Then add it to new master

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
You cannot add the 5230 as additional storage to the 5220.
Add it as another media server (after following steps suggested by Riaan).

Thanks for the help.


Does that then mean I create policies that use that particular storage unit and not expand the existing one that is there?

Yes, each Appliance shows up as its own destination.  Which is nice because you can have more backups active at the same time...some to one Appliance and some to the other Appliance.

Thanks for the help.


One last question, where can I find the appliance ISO?  I dont want the upgrade I need to flatten it and reinstall from scratch.  I have a case open with Veritas but they dont seem to know.

Partner    VIP    Accredited


The software can be found on MyVeritas website -> Licensing -> Entitlements. Select .ISO file of NBU Appliance version that you want to download. Choose the best NBU version for your environment, take a look on Netbackup Release Notes e Netbackup EEB guide to fix the problems of each version.


Thiago Ribeiro

I must be doing something wrong as I can't see any ISO's on any of my entitlements but have my appliances listed on my support page with callhome data. Robot Sad

This is the same for any version I look at, from 7.0 up to 8.0.


Partner    VIP    Accredited


Probably you have another entitlement right?

Do you have the certificate that was sent after you purchased the appliance?  There should be an entitlement associated with the appliance itself that gets you access to the ISO images in the my.veritas portal.  It's been quite a while since I've dealt with this so I can't be more specific off the top of my head, sorry.

VCS, NBU & Appliances