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Application Backup Scheduling

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Certified



Just a quick one to do with application backup scheduling. Currently we 1 policy (for this example a sql policy) with a mon-thu scheudule, a schedule that does weekly backups (on up to 1st 4 fridays in the month) and a schedule that has monthly backups on the last friday of the month. Daily backups have 1 week retention, weekly backups set for 1 month retention and monthly backups setup for yearly retention. (in effect we have 3 automatic backup schedules and 3 application backup schedules)


We have setup application backups fine for mon-thu with no problems but the problem is with the weekly and monthly backups as they run during the same time on a Friday. It does not always start the correct application backup due to this and thus have a backup failure due to no available media on occasions.


Am i correct in thinking that the only solution is to have a seperate policy? My only problem with this is the extra administration and also during a month with only 4 Fridays that i would have both policies running at the same time (if in same policy it would only run the 1 due to just running most least recently run) unless i manually excluded a date for it.


Anyone come across these problems before and found a way round them? Or am i just stuck with the 2 policies and manually excluding dates where weekly/monthly backups clash?






Level 6

exclude last friday of the month from weekly backup.. you have to specify all dates manually, go throught all months of the year and exclude all last fridays. thats all

if you have other backups like this you can simply copy schedule from one policy to another, so exclude could be done only once

