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Cannot expire a tape

Level 4

I tried to expire a tape without success, Our environment is Netbackup 7.1 Master and media servers

I rant the command below,  however it states that I had an invalid command paramter, I then ran a second command against that media, however nothing jumped out at me,   What am I missing.???

C:\>bpexpdate -m VTL337 -d 0
Media VTL337 is due to expire at 10/21/2011 11:55:22
Are you sure that the data on this media is not critical to
your business, and you are sure you want to delete VTL337 y/n (n)? y
invalid command parameter

C:\>nbemmcmd -listmedia -mediaid VTL337
NBEMMCMD, Version:7.1
Media GUID:                     24413177-2d5e-40c8-980c-d876be183a16
Media ID:                       VTL337
Partner:                        -
Media Type:                     HCART3
Volume Group:                   ---
Application:                    Netbackup
Media Flags:                    1
Description:                    LTO3 Tapes
Barcode:                        VTL337
Partner Barcode:                --------
Last Write Host:                cbsnbk011
Created:                        08/15/2011 12:31
Time Assigned:                  09/20/2011 11:33
First Mount:                    08/20/2011 23:43
Last Mount:                     09/20/2011 12:07
Volume Expiration:              -
Data Expiration:                10/21/2011 11:55
Last Written:                   09/20/2011 11:55
Last Read:                      -
Robot Type:                     NONE
Robot Control Host:             -
Robot Number:                   -
Slot:                           -
Side/Face:                      -
Cleanings Remaining:            -
Number of Mounts:               33
Maximum Mounts Allowed:         0
Media Status:                   MPX
Kilobytes:                      548677
Images:                         1
Valid Images:                   1
Retention Period:               3
Number of Restores:             0
Optical Header Size Bytes:      1024
Optical Sector Size Bytes:      0
Optical Partition Size Bytes:   0
Last Header Offset:             0
Adamm Guid:                     00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Rsm Guid:                       00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
Origin Host:                    NONE
Master Host:                    cbsnbk011
Server Group:                   NO_SHARING_GROUP
Upgrade Conflicts Flag:
Pool Number:                    5
Volume Pool:                    Backups
Previous Pool Name:             Scratch
Vault Flags:                    -
Vault Container:                -
Vault Name:                     -
Vault Slot:                     -
Session ID:                     -
Date Vaulted:                   -
Return Date:                    -


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

If you are not running this on the Master Server add -M <masterservername> and possibly also -h cbsnbk011 but as it is in a group that wont apply

It may be that it is part of a Storage Lifecycle which may interfere with this - but you could always try -force on the end.

It would also be an issue if it is currently allocated (doing something like being used)

Level 6

try with the -host option


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Storage Lifecycle Policy?

If tape is 'owned' by SLP, it cannot be expired with bpexpdate.

Level 4


I think this tape is associated with SLP,  the listmedia in the first posting, does not describe this,  if it is related toSLP how do I expire it if I cannot use bpexpdate????

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

I do not have any documetation available for the next 2 days to look it up for you... Hope someone else will respond. Will see if I can 'poke a friend'...

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified


Try expiring the images on that tape via the Catlog section in te GUI

You should then be able to do a bpexpdate -deassignempty which will clear it down (or just wait 12 hours until it is done automatically.

If that still wont do it you may need to use nbstlutil -cancel against the images on the tape after which you should be able to expire it

See the commands guide for full details

Hope this helps

Level 6
Employee Accredited

You need to remove the image from SLP control :


nbstlutil cancel -backupid <backup id of image on tape>

USe above command to cancel the image(s) on the tape.

Once done, the bpexpdate command should work.




Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Did you manage to eventually expire this tape?

Either way, it has naturally expired by now and back in use, right?

Level 5
Partner Accredited Certified

This will not completely free up the tape if the tape is frozen or suspended, so the command(s):
    bpmedia -unfreeze -ev <mediaid>
    bpmedia -unsuspend -ev <mediaid>
may be needed.


Please, check the link:

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Have a look at 'nbemmcmd -listmedia' output in the opening post. Media is NOT frozen or suspended.

Media under SLP control cannot be manually expired.