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Catalog backups fail with 150 - termination requested by administrator

Level 2

Sometimes the catalog backup fails and I'm unsure why.  Any ideas on finding why it fails?


03/30/2011 05:00:00 - requesting resource master.NBU_CATALOG.MAXJOBS

03/30/2011 05:00:00 - granted resource  master.NBU_CATALOG.MAXJOBS

03/30/2011 05:00:01 - begin Parent Job
03/30/2011 05:00:01 - begin Catalog Backup: Start Notify Script
03/30/2011 05:00:01 - started process RUNCMD (pid=25924)
03/30/2011 05:00:01 - ended process 0 (pid=25924)
Operation Status: 0
03/30/2011 05:00:01 - end Catalog Backup: Start Notify Script; elapsed time 0:00:00
03/30/2011 05:00:01 - begin Catalog Backup: Database Manager Query
Operation Status: 150
03/30/2011 08:09:22 - end Catalog Backup: Database Manager Query; elapsed time 3:09:21
03/30/2011 08:09:22 - begin Catalog Backup: Stop On Error
Operation Status: 0
03/30/2011 08:09:22 - end Catalog Backup: Stop On Error; elapsed time 0:00:00
03/30/2011 08:09:22 - begin Catalog Backup: End Notify Script
03/30/2011 08:09:23 - started process RUNCMD (pid=29313)
03/30/2011 08:09:23 - ended process 0 (pid=29313)
Operation Status: 150
03/30/2011 08:09:23 - end Catalog Backup: End Notify Script; elapsed time 0:00:01
03/30/2011 08:09:23 - begin Catalog Backup: Stop On Error
Operation Status: 0
03/30/2011 08:09:23 - end Catalog Backup: Stop On Error; elapsed time 0:00:00
Operation Status: 150
03/30/2011 08:09:23 - end Parent Job; elapsed time 3:09:22
termination requested by administrator (150)
03/30/2011 05:03:24 - requesting resource media5_pool
03/30/2011 05:03:24 - requesting resource media5-hcart-robot-tld-0
03/30/2011 05:03:24 - requesting resource master.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.master
03/30/2011 05:03:24 - requesting resource master.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.catalog-new
03/30/2011 05:03:26 - granted resource  master.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.master
03/30/2011 05:03:26 - granted resource  master.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.catalog-new
03/30/2011 05:03:26 - granted resource  MediaID=@aaaa1;Path=/bpool/pool4;MediaServer=media5
03/30/2011 05:03:26 - granted resource  media5_pool4
03/30/2011 05:03:26 - granted resource  IT0050
03/30/2011 05:03:26 - granted resource  Drive001
03/30/2011 05:03:26 - granted resource  media5-hcart-robot-tld-0
03/30/2011 05:03:27 - estimated 235914529 kbytes needed
03/30/2011 05:03:27 - estimated 235914529 kbytes needed
03/30/2011 05:03:27 - started process bpbrm (pid=26802)
03/30/2011 05:03:28 - connecting
03/30/2011 05:03:29 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00
03/30/2011 05:03:32 - mounted IT0050
03/30/2011 05:03:32 - positioning IT0050 to file 7
03/30/2011 05:03:34 - positioned IT0050; position time: 0:00:02
03/30/2011 05:03:34 - begin writing
03/30/2011 08:09:25 - Error bptm (pid=26803) media manager terminated by parent process
client process aborted (50)

Level 6

the 150 means someone killed the job.

Level 2

150: The process terminates (or has terminated) as a direct result of a request from an authorized user or process.

I asked all the people (a small team) that have access to the server if they killed the job and they all said no.  That is what I was hoping for, but when I look at the 150 description it mentions that it could be an authorized process.

Level 6

NB versions & OS's/releases?

I have heard of 150's occurring before without user intervention but cannot find much on KB nor forum.

There's also the EC50 to consider too at the end of your job details report....there is a T/N but not sure of its relevance (old NB versions & Solaris O/S):

Anything changed recently?

Level 2

NBU 6.5.4 & Solaris 10.

Partner    VIP   

free memory, swap space , full file systems (e.g /tmp).

All of those have previous caused status 150 for me.