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Client error (40) network connection broken

Level 6

Hi All, 

We have this error  "(40) network connection broken this morning" our master server is in the site A and the failing media server is in Site B just say nbu11bck. This configuration already running fine for long. 

On this nbu11bck we mount disks from other server and backup locally so nbu11bck is a media server and client in this case. (notes the nub11bck also controlling the robot on Tape Library on site B) Then this morning this backup kept on failing with error 40, I tried to check the connection from this nbu11bck to the master nbu1-bck on site A looks ok, I even tried to scp big file also no problem. 

Other backup on site B using other media server nbu12bck and nbu13 bck (they also use the same tape library which robot controlled by nbu11bck are ok)

I tried to use the Network Resilient features but this one not supported between master to client that also a media server. 

So what is the possibility of this error 40? Any workaround?


Master Server: NBU on RedHat 6.1

Media Server: NBU on HP UX 11v3. 



Iwan Tamimi


Partner    VIP    Certified

I would be more interested to see the failed job detail status and also  the bpbrm   and bpdm logs.