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Client level audit.

Level 4


Windows 2k3 Master, and Media servers.


We have a requirement to provide to our internal customers the following -


  • A list of servers which are backed up - Easy
  • Policy level backup selections (Paths) - Easy
  • Client side Includes and Excludes - PITA.
  • provide the above in excell, one server per line with paths backed up, paths excluded, and include exceptions. - Major PITA.


Open to ideas!


The whole problem for me here is this is on windows, if it was Unix, I could script it right out, but..... its not.


You may ask yourself why I need the client side include/excludes, well, the painfull answer is, we do not do ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES, we are neck deep in pick and choose so I can have servers which look like this.


ServerName1 - Paths: C:\,D:\,E:\ - Excluded C:\Windows,D:\Dir1,D:\Dir2 - Includeed Exclusions D:\Dir1\Somefile, C:\windows\system32


So.. I generate a list of clients, and dump the data to file.. I generate a list of paths from the policies, and dump it to file.. I parse the data from the two, and have a client, and policy paths listed..


I gather the INCLUDE/EXCLUDE from bpgetconfig from EVERY client.. ARGH! and then dump the data to files..


So I end up with all this baggage.. and beating it up in windows is hard.. just.. hard!


Anyone doing anything like this successfully?