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DSSU jobs not going through final destination

Level 2

Hi all,


Our master server is not being able to finish the DSSU duplicates and often we have to reboot it in order to release the control of the tape library drives.


This is basically the diagram of our backups:


    1                      2                        3

Client -> Staging area (DSU) -> Tape (via Staging schedule)


Our problem is from 2 to 3.. as I said some of the jobs just start to die with error 50, and sometimes the jobs just get stack.


The server is a Solaris 10 sparc, running 6.5.2A (reading the /usr/openv/netbackup/version file)


Any clue about this issue?


I have the logs enabled but I don't know what to look for.



Message Edited by G3m_sys on 10-08-2008 06:52 PM