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Exclude Dates Tab

Level 3

Hello Everyone,


We are running Netbackup Enterprise 6.0 mp4 on Win 2k3 sp2.  


I wanted to know if there is a way when specifying exclude dates in the policy schedules, to have those dates set across all policies without having to perform the same task on each policy.


Thanks in advance!!!


Accepted Solutions

Level 3

Sorry I forgot to add this:  I finally asked support about this and they said there is no way to exclude dates across all schedules/policies.



View solution in original post


Level 6

Technically, the dates aren't set in a policy, they're set in schedules within a policy.  Do you want to do this for all schedules in all policies, or just for schedules with a particular name in every policy?


I don't know a way to use the GUI for this, but it should be pretty easy to do from the command line.


Get a list of policies (bppllist if you don't have a different one you want to use), then get the list of schedules in the policies (either a particular one, or if you want all of them, "bpplsched <policy_name>" and look for lines with the name "Schedule:".


Then to add the exclude, use "bpplschedrep <policy> <schedule> -excl mm/dd/yyyy" 






Level 3

Thank you very much for the reply Darren.


What I am looking for is to exclude the holidays from all schedules.  It can be done within the gui- there is an exclude dates tab and you just select the dates you want to exclude on the calendar, I think this is virtually the same thing that the command line does (?). 


So from the command line, would I have to run the command for each date (and subsequently each schedule/policy) I would want to exclude?


Say I were to have 30 policies with 3 schedules each - that means I would have to run through the steps to exclude the dates 90 times in the gui.


I just think that a large majority of locations would want this functionality since many are closed on the major holidays..



Level 3

Sorry I forgot to add this:  I finally asked support about this and they said there is no way to exclude dates across all schedules/policies.



Level 6

You could put forward an enhancement request to Symantec for a Global Exclude Date option - you never know!!


You could also schedule a shutdown of NetBackup or the scheduler over the period you require.


Have just had a little play with scripting Darrens suggestion - unfortunately this is on a Solaris Master Server, but maybe something similar could be done on Windows?


#bppllist > policy.lst    # Commented out as you may want to run first & edit for specific policies

cat policy.lst|
while read POLICY
bpplsched $POLICY -U|grep Schedule|cut -d: -f2 > $POLICY.sched
        cat $POLICY.sched|
        while read SCHEDULE
        bpplschedrep $POLICY $SCHEDULE -excl 12/17/2008
rm $POLICY.sched


I was quite suprised, but this did actually work for the 2 Policies I included in my policy.lst file. Bear in mind that the above will affect ALL schedules within ALL policies in the initial list - you may want to break down or amend to only include certain policies and/or schedules.