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Grab specific server images on tape and move them to new tapes

Level 4

I need to copy-move images for specifics servers, from tapes containing a lot of server backups, to new tapes. This is because we are moving servers on an other site, and we need to send the old backup.

I have the media list, the image on media list but I wanted to know if some of you have done something like that before, because it is going to be a long and lovely process... so maybe if you have good tips about that ?

Like : copy the images on a disk staging and move them backup to tapes, create a specific pool with tapes allowing multiple retention and copying images one after the other...

Thanks !

Level 6
well, it sounds like you didn't purchase vault. But thats OK.
You can still use bpduplicate. Look up the man page in this manual for bpduplicate.

VERITAS NetBackup (tm) 5.1 Command Reference for UNIX
VERITAS NetBackup (tm) 5.1 Commands for Windows was edited by:
Bob Stump

Level 4

I have the VAULT option.

How could I use it for this issue ?


Level 6
First explain to me how you are currently using the vault and how you set it up, then perhaps I can help you with it. Otherwise investigate bpduplicate from either the command line or else from the GUI.

Level 4
I'm using it to eject LTO1-2-3 media from the libraries, duplicate my catalog.

I'm not doing duplication. Only the eject, report.

It's running every day and tech at the datacenter send the tapes to the vault and enter tapes in the robots.

I think I'm going to copy the images on a staging disk and send that on a LTO2.
I have to check the bpduplicate to see if I can put a list of images and not only one.

But please tell me what is your idea with the vault, I think I'm missing something, or maybe I didn't explain my issue correctly in the first post, english is not my native langage so sometimes...

Level 6
The vaulting option will allow you to make copies of "images" as you define them onto the destination storage unit you choose and also create a report of all of the images that it copied. It is very robust and will allow you to select images by policy/schedule/date. You can change the retention on the copied images and even have another server read the original images and create the duplicates. Another optin is called in-line duplication where more than 1 image is created at the origin.