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Help w/NDMP Request

Level 6
I'm new to NDMP and I think I've figured it out somewhat... however;
Whenever I attempt to do a restore that disables DAR I always get the following during my restore:
Error bptm (pid=xxxx) media manager terminated by parent process
After that error that job just "sits" in a running mode, and it's game over for me.
Whenever I make a selection that allows DAR to be enabled I have successful restores.
Any thoughts?

Level 6
Hi, why are you disabling DAR? If the restores work with DAR on I would suggest leaving it on. When I do restores with DAR turned off it sometimes takes a looong time for the restore to actually begin dumping data back. In one instance to do a single file restore of about 10 gb it took about 7 hours! The only time I have to disable DAR is when  I get very specific errors about writes when restoring NDMP bckups.

Level 6
Its not that I intentionally disable DAR.  From what I've read and seen, DAR only works at the file-level thus when picking individual files it works great.  But when you start to select folders, that when DAR doesn't work.
In the 6.0 NDMP Sys Admin Guide on page 18 it says:
"Note File-level DAR is supported; directory-level DAR is not supported."