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Help with error 156

Level 6
I'm getting the following in my job detail...

08:57:12 - Warning bpbrm (pid=20479) from client joe-exchange: WRN - Content Indexing Server: unable to pause catalog: System (some files may not get backed up)

09:05:59 - Error bpbrm (pid=20479) from client stl-ex01: ERR - Snapshot Error while enumerating: Volume{e3953e67-more-letters}\WINNT\system32\DirectX\Dinput\

09:05:59 - Critical bpbrm (pid=20479) from client joe-exchange: FTL- Backup operation aborted!

09:06:01 - Error (pid=20480) media manager terminated by parent process

09:07:04 - end writing; write time: 0:54:40

09:07:04 - Error bpsched (pid=6291) backup of client stl-ex01 exited with status 156 (snapshot error encountered)


This is an exchange server not doing any snaps. I'm wondering where to check to see if there are cache files that are taking up space or if I need more memory or if anybody can lead me in the right direction. Thanks.


Level 6
A 156 error code indicates that the Open File Backup (OFB) feature has encountered a problem and has failed. OFB can be done 1 of 2 ways: VSP (Veritas Snapshot Provider) or VSCS (Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service).

If you're encountering a 156, I recommend either of the following:
1. Disable OFB for that host.
2. Configure the VSP file sizes manually

You should also check the client in question to see if it's leaving any old VSP temp files. Those can be quite troublesome. Those are usually located in the root of C:\.

If you'd like directions on how to do either options listed above, just give a post.


Level 6

Thank you for your help thus far. Could you please share with me the steps I need to take to disable OFB? Furthermore would this be wise to do on an exchange server? I'm not the System Administrator of the exchange server, I'm just the NetBackup guy and so my knowledge on the client side is sort of limited. (Or is this something configurable from the master server?)

Thanks again,


Level 6
This is all configured on the master server.
I believe you will be OK disabling OFB. The important Exchange stuff should be backed up via the Exchange Agent. Check these tech notes out in regards to setting up Exchange Backups (these are for 5.0/5.1, as I wasn't sure what version you're using):

DOCUMENTATION: How to configure Veritas NetBackup (tm) for Exchange 5.5 and 2000/2003 database backups:

Configuration of mailbox backups for Exchange 2000/2003 using NetBackup 5.0/5.1:

In terms of how to turn off OFB, it's pretty easy:
On you master server, go to the 'Host Properties' section and expand it.
Select Master Server
Double-Click on the appropriate master listed on the right.
In the window that pops up, go to the 'Client Attributes' section.
You'll see a window on the right where some hosts may (or may not) be listed.
Click the 'Add' button.
What you need to do is make an entry that matches the exact name of the client you want to turn OFB off on (ex: if you use '' as the client name, you'll need to add that in identically).
After you add the client entry, click on the 'Windows Open File Backup' tab.
UNCHECK 'Enable Windows Open File Backup for this client'
Close out of this window.
You will be prompted that you need to restart your services, but that is not absolutely necessary (though it is a good idea if you're able to do so).

Hope that helps!

Level 6
Your help has been much appreciated. Thank you for your time.

Level 6
Any time!
And thank you for the points =)

Level 3

07/01/2010 01:08:31 - begin writing
07/01/2010 02:46:28 - Error bpbrm(pid=12008) from client ERR - Snapshot Error while enumerating: Volume{1fd5f93f-8a6b-46d7-8cae-dfc50e4b9a41}\57e7c9c70507b1204bc5718a1742f99e\  
07/01/2010 02:46:28 - Critical bpbrm(pid=12008) from client FTL - Backup operation aborted!    
07/01/2010 02:46:30 - Error bptm(pid=12017) media manager terminated by parent process      
07/01/2010 02:46:33 - end writing; write time: 01:38:02
snapshot error encountered(156)

Any ideas besides disabling OFB?

Level 6
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Please let us know what exactly you've tried so far? If it's 2003 or 2008 client, have you tried to specify VSS as snapshot method?