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How can i give access to end user to restore his file. We are using symantec net backup

Level 3

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Restores are by default allowed on Clients. Clients have access to their own data.

Normal users have access to bprestore command and can only restore to filesystem and/or folder where the user has write access.


Level 3

Dear marianne.

Thanks for your advice .we are looking for a feature or tool where user can restore his files from user system not by login to client server. 

   VIP    Certified

Hi Rothith, like Marianne explained, every user with administrative priviledge can perform restore. All you have to to do is access to bprestore from the machine you want to perform restore. see below example for ways to do it:

Example 1
      To restore a file from backups of /usr/user1/file1  that were
      performed between 04/01/93 06:00:00 and 04/10/93 18:00:00, enter the
      following (all on one line):

      bprestore -s 04/01/93 06:00:00 -e 04/10/93 18:00:00 /usr/user1/file1

Example 2
      To restore files listed in a file named restore_list by using the most
      recent backups, enter the following:

      bprestore -f restore_list

Example 3
      To restore the directory /home/kwc from the backups that are
      associated with a keyword phrase that contains "My Home Directory" and
      use a progress log named /home/kwc/bkup.log, enter the following (all
      on one line):

      bprestore -k "*My Home Directory*" -L /home/kwc/bkup.log  /home/kwc

Example 4
      To restore the D drive on the Windows NT client slater from the
      backups that are associated with a keyword phrase that contains "My
      Home Dir" and use a progress log named /home/kwc/bkup.log, enter the
      following (all on one line):

      bprestore -k "*My Home Dir*" -C slater -D slater -t 13 -L
      /home/kwc/bkup.log  /D

Example 5
      Assume you have a rename file named /home/kwc/rename on a UNIX client
      and it contains the following:

      change /home/kwc/linkback to /home/kwc/linkback_alt

      To restore the hard link named /home/kwc/linkback to alternate path
      /home/kwc/linkback_alt on that client, execute:

      bprestore -H -R /home/kwc/rename /home/kwc/linkback



Level 6
Partner Accredited

If you are on NBU 7.5 onwards. Deploy Opscenter (if already have then coin is in your side)

Simply create views under OpsCenter repective to each client and create users with only Restore Operator rights. Give them access to Master Server and their client view only . This would allow them to restore their files using web GUI (without having access to NBU server)

simply login with their domain credentials (add users first under opscenter with restore operator role)

Presently restore through GUI is limited to flatfile only so if it's flatfile there you had go.. but if it's SQL or anything else  there you need to login to server


Hope this helps

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

This is how I understand this requirement:

we are looking for a feature or tool where user can restore his files from user system not by login to client server

The client server is probably a Windows file server that contains folders for the users in the organization.

It seems the OP needs each individual user to be able to restore from his/her own desktop/laptop (user system).

The only places where files server can be restored from, is from NBU master server or from file server itself by an administrator with sufficient rights, or else from a system where Remote Admin Console has been installed. Remote Admin Console will give full admin access to entire NBU domain.


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

you can use the Opscenter 7.5 as mention above, and it's very good way to restore without log to the master server.

you can create a view and select a servers in the view list, then create a user with restore operation.

Try it.

Level 3

We are having trouble restoring file / Data from client it self. We have Symantec Appliances as Master and Media servers, Try to restore Windows 2008,2003 we get error message with status code 23 and in bpcd log we get Access denied with status code 46.. Any one have any idea about this?

Please share


Level 3

ANyone have configured SNMP on Symantec Appliances.. to generate Traps for HP Openview?

We can run snmpwalk from appliances which reply successfull communication to our openview server, but when we run snmpwalk on Openview server it failes with "Access denied".....


Level 6
Partner Accredited

hi rohith did opscenter helped you.. or got alternate way out..

Level 3

Hi All, 

Yes we are using opscenter for this requirement and its quite helping us . Thanks




Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

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