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How to find the time taken by the backup image(AIR) to replicate from the target to source

Level 4

Where i can find the total time taken by the backup image to replicate from AIR source to target.


Level 4

***source to target

I believe the replication time will be shown in the activity monitor for the replication job - i.e. the jobs's elapsed time. 

I don't believe this is necessarily the entire story as you may want to factor in the time take for the import job to run on the target system. If you want both times, I think you have to go to two places to get this (unless you have OpsCenter running catpuring from both domains).

We dont have access to source master server, is there any way to check the replication elapsed time from the target master server, either for backup image or SLP.

Hi AnandhaKannan_D,

If you don't have access to the source master, your options would be limited to OpsCenter as David Moline suggests.

If you don't have access to this, maybe the owner of the source master does, and can send you relevant reports, or at a minimum send you the details from the replication job on the source master.  On the target master you're only going to see the import job, which is only half the picture.

If you're only after the AIR/SLP time then the replication (from source) and import (to target) will have you covered.  If you need to include the backup time as well, then the source master owner will need to provide that to you as well.

Hope this helps,


@Systems_Team The process that accept the replication on the target master must surely log the connection start and end times. I'm not familiar enough with the process to know - but are there logs that could provide this information? I mean the data doesn't just magically appear at the target something accepts it beore the import phase.

Level 6

@davidmoline - good call  :)

 I just had a look at a replication and import and the processes seen from the job details are:

  • Replication (on source) nbreplicate, RUNCMD, bpdbm
  • Import (on target) bpimport, bpdbm
  • Also see "granted resource LCM_*Remote*Master*" so something like resource broker is involved

Then I did a bit of a search and found in the Veritas NetBackup Logging Reference Guide ( that there is a section "Storage lifecycle policy (SLP) and Auto Image Replication (A.I.R.) logging" which details all the logs and processes involved.

I don't have the time at the moment to sift through these.  I've had a look at some but others I don't yet have the experience reading them, but will start looking.

If the OP cannot get access to the source master or OpsCenter then maybe these can be used to pull the details needed to work out how long the replication from source to master takes.  He already has access to the target master so he will be able to see how long the import takes.


Yes, I believe import phase is like cataloging the replicated images which completes in very less time. So it would not help me to find the data i need.

We have intergrated target to OpsCenter but not the source. We using OpenStorage data domain for replication in source and target.

Is my Data domain will have the record of the replication images elapsed time?


Ah - you're using a Data Domain, that changes things somewhat.

The DD is in charge of the replication process. I would hope that this activity is logged, but reallyy this is a question to ask Dell/EMC (I for one don't know the answer).

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified


Any reason why you cannot get this info from the admin at the source site?

The bpdm log on the target media server will log the start and end of replication process.
So, if you really need this info without communicating with source backup team, you can sift through bpdm log.
The log folder does not exist by default, it needs to be created. 

I cannot answer your DD question...