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How to rebuild media server

Level 4

I have to rebuild one of the media server as my colleague have tried to configure it as master server & didnt revert back to the old configuration. I figured out this when i found the media server status offline.

I tried to bring the server online but it threw me error "Could not connect to vmd on host (70)". Then i tried to start manually netbackup services which gave the below error messages.

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbdbms_start_stop: /usr/openv/db/ not found

NetBackup will not run without /usr/openv/db/bin/NB_dbsrv running


NetBackup Enterprise Media Manager not started.

NetBackup Resource Broker not started.
/etc/init.d/netbackup: /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmps: not found
Media Manager daemons not started.
NetBackup Service Monitor not started.
I found directories missing under /usr/openv & /usr/openv/netbackup directories like pack,volmgr,db,NB-Java.tar.Z,version_master, remote_versions,db,
client,vfm_master.conf,version& many executable missing in /usr/openv/netbackup/bin. I also found the VRTSpbx package missing under opt.
Backup of this media server is running fine without any issues. Suggest on this buddies.
Thanks in Advance...



Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

The error messages are because of the attempt to convert to master.

I would personally uninstall and reinstall, rather than trying to fix it. It might be as simple as correcting bp.conf entries (master as 1st SERVER entry and correct EMM server entry) but rather reinstall.

No databases are kept on media servers. It is safe to reinstall.


*** EDIT ***

Noticed now VRTSpbx that is also missing.

Please reinstall!

View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

The error messages are because of the attempt to convert to master.

I would personally uninstall and reinstall, rather than trying to fix it. It might be as simple as correcting bp.conf entries (master as 1st SERVER entry and correct EMM server entry) but rather reinstall.

No databases are kept on media servers. It is safe to reinstall.


*** EDIT ***

Noticed now VRTSpbx that is also missing.

Please reinstall!

Level 4

Do you feel any configuration backup has to be taken?

Level 6
Employee Accredited

Only if there are config files in /usr/openv/netbackup/db/config, eg. SIZE_DATA_BUFFERS/ NUMBER_DATA_BUFFERS.


Level 6
Employee Accredited

bpminlicense command



Level 4

I dont have media server license key. Can i get the key from master sever or is it possible to get from backups?

Level 4

I couldnt run bpminlicense command as it is missing in my media server. I meant to say can i get the key from master server?

Level 6
Employee Accredited

Same command - depending on what you use, there may not be any license keys on the media.

Level 4

I ran get_license_key & also bpminlicense on my other media servers & i am getting different license keys. 

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Have you tried get_license_key on this server?

Depending on what features were purchased for this media server, you will need all or some of the following:

Enterprise Server (Enterprise Client if SAN media server)
Library Based tape drives (same on all media servers)
Shared Storage Option (same on all media servers)

Level 4

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd directory itself is not found on the server.

Level 6
Employee Accredited

Could be easy to just call Symantec customer support and get them to give you the keys.

Links to phone numbers here


Level 4

Finally i found the license key & installed Netbackup successfully, Now I am finding two duplicate tape drives & one duplicate robot on sgscan command. Stuck with that now...

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

If your original question was answered, please select the post that has helped you most and 'Mark as solution'. 

If you need assistance with sgcan, please start a new thread.

Level 4

Thanks Marianne a lot & mph999...