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Import an Expired tape

Level 4

Hi all,

i want to restore few files from two tapes, the data inside those tapes are expired.

however, i've tried to import the tapes so i can restore the data, the issue there is that i cant find the tapes in the media id to verify before importing them, kindly check the image below:


though both tapes were inserted in the library (E633L3 and E634L3), i have set the tapes write lock so the existing data will not be overwritten.



any suggestions?


Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Apologies - Connect notification stopped working for a while, so I missed your previous post.

If you do nbrbutil -dump today, is E634L3 still listed under MDS allocations?

From above output, we can see that the allocation number is 6399

(  MDS allocations in EMM:

        MdsAllocation: allocationKey=6399 jobType=8 mediaKey=4000159 mediaId=E634L3 driveKey=0 driveName= drivePath= stuName= masterServerName=sr1001bck001 medi
aServerName=se1101bck001 ndmpTapeServerName= diskVolumeKey=0 mountKey=0 linkKey=
0 fatPipeKey=0 scsiResType=0 serverStateFlags=0   )


So, to release:

nbrbutil -releaseMDS 6399

View solution in original post


Level 4

one more thing, we use Veritas Netbackup 6.5.4,


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Did you do the first phase import? Go to the CATALOG section in the GUI > Select Actions > Initiate import. Let that run first, then do the second phase import via the same GUI.

Level 4

Thanks for replying Riaan,

i did phase 1  import, the activity monitor shows the same activity since 30 minutes:

6/8/2011 12:08:05 PM - begin Import
6/8/2011 12:08:05 PM - started process bptm (12112)
6/8/2011 12:08:06 PM - requesting resource E633L3
6/8/2011 12:08:06 PM - awaiting resource E633L3 Reason: Tape media server is not active, Media Server: sr1001bck001,
  Robot Number: 0, Robot Type: TLD, Media ID: N/A, Drive Name: N/A,
  Volume Pool: N/A, Storage Unit: N/A, Drive Scan Host: N/A


is that expected?

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

This media server is down??? If you check Devices > Media Servers > what is the status?


Try and reboot/recycle the services if the media server is really online and well. If that doesn't work, use nbemmcmd -updatehost -set_tape_active (thats not the whole command but those are the important bits) to set it online for tape.

Level 4

sorry my mistake i have typed the master server name instead of the media server, however, i face this issue while trying to import the second tape:


6/8/2011 5:53:20 PM - begin Import
6/8/2011 5:53:22 PM - started process bptm (5336)
6/8/2011 5:53:22 PM - requesting resource E634L3
6/8/2011 5:53:23 PM - awaiting resource E634L3 Reason: Media is in use, Media Server: N/A,
  Robot Number: NONE, Robot Type: NONE, Media ID: E634L3, Drive Name: N/A,
  Volume Pool: N/A, Storage Unit: N/A, Drive Scan Host: N/A


the same activity didnt change since 1 hour!

Level 6

If the tape is actually in use, or if a job is waiting for it to be mounted, you should see which drive it is in or see a message in the bottom pane that you can right-click and Deny the Mount Request.

If the tape is not in use in any drive and is not waiting to be mounted, you may have to use the command line to de-allocate it from Resource Broker.  But I won't go into that unless we have to!

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

I agree with Ron - it is possible that the media allocation got 'stuck' in the Resource Broker.

Please post output of the following command from cmd:
nbrbutil -dump

(nbrbutil command can be found in <install-path>\veritas\netbackup\bin\admincmd)

We will assist with the release command if it seems necessary.

Level 6

kill any import jobs you have going.

1) verify that the media is in the library (we know that) and that is shows up in the robot that and in NB as being there (make sure tape is write protected so nothing tries to over write it) and that the tape is currently on in use.

2) in the GUI go to catalog - to do phase1 you do not fill out anything on this screen. go to actions and initialize import - fill out this screen - choose a media server you want to do the import, say tape is tape and type in your media id.  say OK.   This will start phase1, the media server you choose will do the work.  The tape will be mounted and it will read through the tape (this can take a while) and it will find all the image headers and put that in a file that will be used for phase2.  

when the job finishes

3) go back to catalog in the GUI - now we fill out this search screen.

Action is import

media id - type in  your media id

Date /time range - you do not have to be exact choose a year that you know is before the tape was made say 2000 don't care about the month/day or time  and leave the end date and time as current.  This is then going to search for any image headers that have had a phase1 import completed on them but has not had a phase2 done to it, where the image header date is between the dates specified - hit the search button.

when it comes back the bottom of the screen will show the images that are waiting for phase2 import (it will also show the media it is on which should be the one you specified)

Now highlight all the images on the bottom - right click and say import.

Once this finishes you can now do restores from this tape.

Level 4

thanks alot Rob and Marianne,

kindly check the output below:

Allocation Requests
         index=0 (AllocationRequest: id={03BF6E3E-BB77-4BF5-B812-40C786A55B2F} p
riority=85000 secondPriority=0 userid=jobid=66922 description=FOREIGN_JOB_66922
         index=0 (Request provider=DriveOperationProvider resourcename=MEDIA RES
OURCE  userSequence=0 (MediaRequest: mediaId=E633L3 mediaServer=sr1001bck001 med
iaKey=0 userReservationId= assignedTime=0 client= usageType=8 mustBeNdmp=no driv
eName= drivePath= mediaPool= robotNumber=-1 slotNumber=-1 density=-1 ndmpControl
Host= failIfNoMedia=yes externalFile= mediaType=-1 mediaSubType=-1 isNdmp=false
isTirRestore=false isFlashbackupRestore=false isBlockMapRead=false isCatalogBack
up=false isGcsCatalogBackup=false isVMWare=false isLifeCycle=false preferVtlToDi
rectAttachedTape=false useFt=false failIfNoFt=false isGranularExchange=false REQ
         index=1 (AllocationRequest: id={DDA8749C-C889-41D6-9F45-FE02789EC2CC} p
riority=85000 secondPriority=0 userid=jobid=66928 description=FOREIGN_JOB_66928
         index=0 (Request provider=DriveOperationProvider resourcename=MEDIA RES
OURCE  userSequence=0 (MediaRequest: mediaId=E634L3 mediaServer=sr1001bck002 med
iaKey=0 userReservationId= assignedTime=0 client= usageType=8 mustBeNdmp=no driv
eName= drivePath= mediaPool= robotNumber=-1 slotNumber=-1 density=-1 ndmpControl
Host= failIfNoMedia=yes externalFile= mediaType=-1 mediaSubType=-1 isNdmp=false
isTirRestore=false isFlashbackupRestore=false isBlockMapRead=false isCatalogBack
up=false isGcsCatalogBackup=false isVMWare=false isLifeCycle=false preferVtlToDi
rectAttachedTape=false useFt=false failIfNoFt=false isGranularExchange=false REQ
         index=2 (AllocationRequest: id={1AB06596-87B9-4B60-AEE6-E94A55E84FDD} p
riority=85000 secondPriority=0 userid=jobid=66929 description=FOREIGN_JOB_66929
         index=0 (Request provider=DriveOperationProvider resourcename=MEDIA RES
OURCE  userSequence=0 (MediaRequest: mediaId=E634L3 mediaServer=sr1001bck002 med
iaKey=0 userReservationId= assignedTime=0 client= usageType=8 mustBeNdmp=no driv
eName= drivePath= mediaPool= robotNumber=-1 slotNumber=-1 density=-1 ndmpControl
Host= failIfNoMedia=yes externalFile= mediaType=-1 mediaSubType=-1 isNdmp=false
isTirRestore=false isFlashbackupRestore=false isBlockMapRead=false isCatalogBack
up=false isGcsCatalogBackup=false isVMWare=false isLifeCycle=false preferVtlToDi
rectAttachedTape=false useFt=false failIfNoFt=false isGranularExchange=false REQ
         index=3 (AllocationRequest: id={02900470-B736-49A6-9974-7B3520C9C79B} p
riority=85000 secondPriority=0 userid=jobid=66930 description=FOREIGN_JOB_66930
         index=0 (Request provider=DriveOperationProvider resourcename=MEDIA RES
OURCE  userSequence=0 (MediaRequest: mediaId=E634L3 mediaServer=sr1001bck002 med
iaKey=0 userReservationId= assignedTime=0 client= usageType=8 mustBeNdmp=no driv
eName= drivePath= mediaPool= robotNumber=-1 slotNumber=-1 density=-1 ndmpControl
Host= failIfNoMedia=yes externalFile= mediaType=-1 mediaSubType=-1 isNdmp=false
isTirRestore=false isFlashbackupRestore=false isBlockMapRead=false isCatalogBack
up=false isGcsCatalogBackup=false isVMWare=false isLifeCycle=false preferVtlToDi
rectAttachedTape=false useFt=false failIfNoFt=false isGranularExchange=false REQ
         index=4 (AllocationRequest: id={513410F7-0215-45CD-9C6F-54B492BB63CE} p
riority=85000 secondPriority=0 userid=jobid=66931 description=FOREIGN_JOB_66931
         index=0 (Request provider=DriveOperationProvider resourcename=MEDIA RES
OURCE  userSequence=0 (MediaRequest: mediaId=E634L3 mediaServer=sr1001bck002 med
iaKey=0 userReservationId= assignedTime=0 client= usageType=8 mustBeNdmp=no driv
eName= drivePath= mediaPool= robotNumber=-1 slotNumber=-1 density=-1 ndmpControl
Host= failIfNoMedia=yes externalFile= mediaType=-1 mediaSubType=-1 isNdmp=false
isTirRestore=false isFlashbackupRestore=false isBlockMapRead=false isCatalogBack
up=false isGcsCatalogBackup=false isVMWare=false isLifeCycle=false preferVtlToDi
rectAttachedTape=false useFt=false failIfNoFt=false isGranularExchange=false REQ
         index=5 (AllocationRequest: id={897DEA43-1A96-4188-9D82-DAA78200EDC5} p
riority=85000 secondPriority=0 userid=jobid=66932 description=FOREIGN_JOB_66932
         index=0 (Request provider=DriveOperationProvider resourcename=MEDIA RES
OURCE  userSequence=0 (MediaRequest: mediaId=E634L3 mediaServer=sr1001bck002 med
iaKey=0 userReservationId= assignedTime=0 client= usageType=8 mustBeNdmp=no driv
eName= drivePath= mediaPool= robotNumber=-1 slotNumber=-1 density=-1 ndmpControl
Host= failIfNoMedia=yes externalFile= mediaType=-1 mediaSubType=-1 isNdmp=false
isTirRestore=false isFlashbackupRestore=false isBlockMapRead=false isCatalogBack
up=false isGcsCatalogBackup=false isVMWare=false isLifeCycle=false preferVtlToDi
rectAttachedTape=false useFt=false failIfNoFt=false isGranularExchange=false REQ
         index=6 (AllocationRequest: id={80926D92-5B1D-4DBF-8862-B2A5C319C8C1} p
riority=85000 secondPriority=0 userid=jobid=66933 description=FOREIGN_JOB_66933
         index=0 (Request provider=DriveOperationProvider resourcename=MEDIA RES
OURCE  userSequence=0 (MediaRequest: mediaId=E634L3 mediaServer=sr1001bck002 med
iaKey=0 userReservationId= assignedTime=0 client= usageType=8 mustBeNdmp=no driv
eName= drivePath= mediaPool= robotNumber=-1 slotNumber=-1 density=-1 ndmpControl
Host= failIfNoMedia=yes externalFile= mediaType=-1 mediaSubType=-1 isNdmp=false
isTirRestore=false isFlashbackupRestore=false isBlockMapRead=false isCatalogBack
up=false isGcsCatalogBackup=false isVMWare=false isLifeCycle=false preferVtlToDi
rectAttachedTape=false useFt=false failIfNoFt=false isGranularExchange=false REQ
         index=7 (AllocationRequest: id={9C9FC571-95F6-4B48-977D-D7E24192B273} p
riority=85000 secondPriority=0 userid=jobid=66926 description=FOREIGN_JOB_66926
         index=0 (Request provider=DriveOperationProvider resourcename=MEDIA RES
OURCE  userSequence=0 (MediaRequest: mediaId=E634L3 mediaServer=se1101bck001 med
iaKey=0 userReservationId= assignedTime=0 client= usageType=8 mustBeNdmp=no driv
eName= drivePath= mediaPool= robotNumber=-1 slotNumber=-1 density=-1 ndmpControl
Host= failIfNoMedia=yes externalFile= mediaType=-1 mediaSubType=-1 isNdmp=false
isTirRestore=false isFlashbackupRestore=false isBlockMapRead=false isCatalogBack
up=false isGcsCatalogBackup=false isVMWare=false isLifeCycle=false preferVtlToDi
rectAttachedTape=false useFt=false failIfNoFt=false isGranularExchange=false REQ

         index=0 (Allocation: id={A6F72B61-95DD-4272-A123-934CF50C65A7} provider
=DriveOperationProvider resourcename= masterserver=sr1001bck001 groupid={0000000
0-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} userSequence=0 userid="jobid=64674" (Media_Drive_
Allocation_Record: allocationKey=0 (Media_Drive_Record: MediaKey=0 MediaId= Medi
aServer=sr1001bck002 DriveKey=0 DriveName= PrimaryPath= PoolName= RobotNum=0 Rob
otType=0 MediaTypeName= DriveTypeName= NdmpControlHost= RetentionLevel=8 PolicyT
ype=2 JobType=7 MasterServer=sr1001bck001) (Storage_Unit_Record: STU= STUType=0
MasterServer=sr1001bck001 MediaServer=sr1001bck002 RobotType=0 RobotNumber=0 Den
sity=0 OnDemandOnly=0 ConcurrentJobs=0 ActiveJobs=0 MaxMultiplexing=0 NdmpAttach
Host= AbsolutePath=) (Bptm_Strings_Record: ) TpReqFileName=))
         index=1 (Allocation: id={3D90294D-0848-4505-8081-C5CA5F858ADE} provider
=EMMProvider resourcename=E634L3 masterserver=sr1001bck001 groupid={00000000-000
0-0000-0000-000000000000} userSequence=0 userid="jobid=66926" (Media_Drive_Alloc
ation_Record: allocationKey=6399 (Media_Drive_Record: MediaKey=4000159 MediaId=E
634L3 MediaServer=se1101bck001 DriveKey=0 DriveName= PrimaryPath= PoolName=Monda
y RobotNum=0 RobotType=0 MediaTypeName=NetBackup HCART1 DriveTypeName= NdmpContr
olHost= RetentionLevel=0 PolicyType=2 JobType=8 MasterServer=sr1001bck001) (Stor
age_Unit_Record: STU= STUType=0 MasterServer= MediaServer= RobotType=0 RobotNumb
er=0 Density=0 OnDemandOnly=0 ConcurrentJobs=0 ActiveJobs=0 MaxMultiplexing=0 Nd
mpAttachHost= AbsolutePath=) (Bptm_Strings_Record: 0="MEDIADB 1 6399 E634L3 4000
159 ------ 6 1307536858 0 2147483647 0 0 999 0 0 8 0 1 1024 0 0 0" 1="VOLUME 1 E
634L3 4000159 BDE634L3 Monday HP H89MWPX658 6 8 0 9 0 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-0
00000000000} 0" 2="DRIVE 3 *NULL* 0 *NULL* *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *NULL* *NULL*
*NULL* *NULL* 0 16 0 1 0 0" 3="STORAGE 1 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 se1101bck001 se1101b
ck001 *NULL*" 4="DISKGROUP 0 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL* 6 *NULL*" 5="DISKVOLUME 0 6 *NULL
* 6 *NULL* 0" 6="DISKMOUNTPOINT 0 6 *NULL*" ) TpReqFileName=)))

MDS allocations in EMM:

        MdsAllocation: allocationKey=6399 jobType=8 mediaKey=4000159 mediaId=E63
4L3 driveKey=0 driveName= drivePath= stuName= masterServerName=sr1001bck001 medi
aServerName=se1101bck001 ndmpTapeServerName= diskVolumeKey=0 mountKey=0 linkKey=
0 fatPipeKey=0 scsiResType=0 serverStateFlags=0

Level 4

the media is available in the library and it is write protected, the problem is that the phase 1 import for that tape stuck for hours without any update!

Level 4

any ideas?

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Which media do you want to import? E634L3 or E633L3? You start with the latter and then the logs moved to the other one. E634L3 has an MDS allocation that you should release as from the output above.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Apologies - Connect notification stopped working for a while, so I missed your previous post.

If you do nbrbutil -dump today, is E634L3 still listed under MDS allocations?

From above output, we can see that the allocation number is 6399

(  MDS allocations in EMM:

        MdsAllocation: allocationKey=6399 jobType=8 mediaKey=4000159 mediaId=E634L3 driveKey=0 driveName= drivePath= stuName= masterServerName=sr1001bck001 medi
aServerName=se1101bck001 ndmpTapeServerName= diskVolumeKey=0 mountKey=0 linkKey=
0 fatPipeKey=0 scsiResType=0 serverStateFlags=0   )


So, to release:

nbrbutil -releaseMDS 6399

Level 4

brilliant, that worked perfectly, thanks alot marianne..