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Import failed for backup id car-sql1_1353898826 with status 1535 (AIR)

Level 6
Partner Accredited


Source Master + 8 Media servers

Target Master + 8 Media servers

IMPORT job on target master finishing partially and am getting the following error..

12/03/2012 08:55:38 - begin Import
12/03/2012 08:55:38 - Info bpdm (pid=30373) started
12/03/2012 08:55:38 - started process bpdm (pid=30373)
12/03/2012 08:55:38 - requesting resource @aaaak
12/03/2012 08:55:38 - granted resource MediaID=@aaaak;DiskVolume=PureDiskVolume;DiskPool=gsgs2nbmed04_Pool4;Path=PureDiskVolume;StorageServ...
12/03/2012 08:55:38 - started process RUNCMD (pid=23087)
12/03/2012 08:55:39 - Info bpdm (pid=30373) reading backup image
12/03/2012 08:55:41 - Info bpdm (pid=30373) origin master server gssuanbmas01, backup id car-sql1_1353898826
12/03/2012 08:55:41 - Error bpdm (pid=30373) received error code 1535 from db_end() after writing image metadata information to bpdbm
12/03/2012 08:55:41 - Error bpimport (pid=23087) Import of replica image, backup id car-sql1_1353898826, Import failed because the imported image backup id conflicts with an existing image.
12/03/2012 08:55:41 - Import failed for backup id car-sql1_1353898826 with status 1535

i have followed the following tech note which tells to remove the duplicate images from the target Storage which is my case the target media server as i cant see the images in question on the remote master or within the catalogue but no joy..

also, only 1 media server is effected is rest of them replicating okay..

looking at the dedup database area i can see all the images files which IMPORT job trying to import again. i have moved all these images to /tmp location but still no joy..

-rw-r----- 1 root root 166 Nov 26 03:14 car-sql1_1353898826_C1_F1.hdr
-rw-r----- 1 root root 168 Nov 26 03:14 car-sql1_1353898826_C1_F1.img
-rw-r----- 1 root root 161 Nov 26 03:14
-rw-r----- 1 root root 164 Nov 26 03:14
-rw-r----- 1 root root 162 Nov 26 03:14 car-sql1_1353898826_C1_HDR.img
-rw-r----- 1 root root 161 Nov 26 03:14
-rw-r----- 1 root root 163 Nov 26 03:14 car-sql1_1353898826_C1_IM.img
-rw-r----- 1 root root 162 Nov 26 03:14
-rw-r----- 1 root root 165 Nov 26 03:14 car-sql1_1353898826_C1_TIR.img
-rw-r----- 1 root root 161 Nov 26 03:14

so can someone confirm where should i be deleting the duplicate images as per the tech note, master or media? on media i can see the images under /databases but on the master i can't see the images under ../db/images/car-sql1 directory?

any suggestions would highly be appreciated.


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

My feeling is that as the command has the option to specify the backupid that it will not affect any others.

You could find a "real" backupid that is due for import (not easy as the things fly through!) and then run

nbstlutil list -U -backupid <backupid> against it and the bad one before and after to see if their states actually change

Level 6
Partner Accredited

gsgs2nbmas01:~ # /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbstlutil list -U -backupid car-sql1_1353898826
 Master Server            : gsgs2nbmas01
 Backup ID                : car-sql1_1353898826
 Client                   : car-sql1
 Backup Time              : 1353898826 (Mon Nov 26 03:00:26 2012)
 Policy                   : (none specified)
 Client Type              : 0
 Schedule Type            : 0
 Storage Lifecycle Policy : gssuanbmed04_to_gsgs2nbmed04_2Weeks
 Storage Lifecycle State  : 3 (COMPLETE)
 Time In Process          : 0 (Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970)
 Data Classification ID   : (none specified)
 Version Number           : 1
 OriginMasterServer       : gssuanbmas01
 OriginMasterServerID     : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
 Import From Replica Time : 0 (Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970)
 Required Expiration Date : 0 (Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970)
 Created Date Time        : 1353909044 (Mon Nov 26 05:50:44 2012)

   Master Server       : gsgs2nbmas01
   Backup ID           : car-sql1_1353898826
   Copy Number         : 1
   Copy Type           : 4 (IMPORT)
   Expire Time         : 0 (Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970)
   Expire LC Time      : 0 (Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970)
   Try To Keep Time    : 0 (Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970)
   Residence           : gsgs2nbmed04_Pool4
   Copy State          : 1 (NOT_STARTED)
   Job ID              : 41209
   Retention Type      : 3 (REMOTE_EXPIRATION_DATE)
   MPX State           : 0 (FALSE)
   RetryCount          : 1070
   Last Retry Time     : 1361351122 (Wed Feb 20 09:05:22 2013)
   Source              : 0
   Destination ID      : (none specified)
   Last Retry Time     : 1361351122
   Replica:            : 0
   DataFormat          : 0 (DF_UNDEFINED)
   SLP Index           : 1

     Master Server     : gsgs2nbmas01
     Backup ID         : car-sql1_1353898826
     Copy Number       : 1
     Fragment Number   : -2147482648
     Resume Count      : 0
     Media ID          : @aaaak
     Media Server      : gsgs2nbmed04
     Storage Server    : (none specified)
     Media Type        : 0 (DISK)
     Media Sub-Type    : 0 (DEFAULT)
     Fragment State    : 1 (ACTIVE)
     Fragment Size     : 0
     Delete Header     : 0
     Fragment ID       : car-sql1_1353898826_C1_IM
     Snap MountHost    : (none specified)
     Media Description : gsgs2nbmed04

gsgs2nbmas01:~ # /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbstlutil inactive  -backupid car-sql1_1353898826
Operation not successful: invalid request


no joy mark... try to inactivate the pending operation on a image but get the invalid request.. tried the command with other parameters such -force and along with -lifecycle policy name but no luck..




Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

I have just done this for 3500+ images (dont ask!!)

First i did the nbstlutil cancel -backup id **** -force

Then i ran bpexpdate -backupid *** -d 0 -nodelete -force

This has cleaned up all of my pending import images successfully.

Level 6
Partner Accredited

Dam.... all gone.. all back to Blue.. thanks Mark...

Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified


And only took 3 months!!

So nice when something like this finally gets resolved - thanks for keeping us updated and your patience throughtout.