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MSDP Data migration

Level 3

Hello all,

I currently have an issue where a media server (Windows, MSDP, is running slow due to the link between the master and media servers.  

What I would like to do is migrate all the backup data from this media to the master which is also another media server so that I can then rebuild the original media server as it's own netbackup domain master/medi server. 

Is this possible and what would be the best way to go about this?




Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Hi Chris,


I think the 2nd last line there might be the issue. Is this diskpool setup to replicate to another using AIR?


Like i said I don't have anything to test with but maybe start looking there....

View solution in original post


Level 6
Employee Accredited Certified


Review the following TN: TECH150431


How to remove NetBackup Media Server Deduplication option (MSDP) configurations from a NetBackup environment.



Please note: you will need to duplicate any images you intend to keep from your MSDP media server to your master.

If you have any additional questions, please let us know.



Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified



What storage media does your Master/Media have? Tape, Adv Disk, or MSDP as well?


If its anything other than MSDP you're in for a looooong duplication exercise. If its MSDP, or if you can install one (given that your environment isn't too big as its not really recommended to run msdp on master), then you could

  1. Generate a list of all images on the old MSDP with bpimmedia and keep it somewhere
  2. Target the new (or existing) master server MSDP in your policies
  3. Ensure that all SLPs (if you're using them) that refer to the old MSDP finish their images so you can then remove them later.
  4. Start duplicating from OLD to NEW MSDP (if you had run step 2 then the new MSDP would have been seeded so duplications of the backup images from the OLD one should run fairly quick). I would suggest a script that use the list generated in step 1. Build in some logic to check images are now located in both locations.
  5. Once you're sure you've got all of it duplicated you can expire the OLD one
  6. Then you can remove the SLPs (if you had any).
  7. Then decommission the media server.

Hope that helps.

Level 3

Tom / Riaan,

Thanks for your replies, both great responses to get me going.

Is it possible to do a manual image duplication between NB domains, so that once the media server has been decommissioned and rebuilt as a master/media I can then copy the images back?




Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified



Yes you can do that. There was a post on the forum recently about replicating images with AIR retrospectively. SDO posted a bunch of good info.


##EDIT: Found it

Level 3


Thanks for that link, unfortunately I am getting the one scenario which didn't work ....

...fragments exist on media which does not support replication.

Is there any other way round this?


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

That message relates to non msdp / ost images, which means they're on tape or advanced disk. In your scenario we should be working with MSDP images so that wont affect you.


Unless I'm missing something.

Level 3

I'm only using MSDP and this is a response from the nbreplicate command for an image to the new master, which I had already successfully tranferred from the old media server to the current master using bpduplicate!?

This is the command used....

nbreplicate -backupid BACKUPID -cn 2 -rcn 1 -slp_name LD_MOVE -target_sts MASTER -target_user USERNAME -target_pwd PASSWORD

anything else I can check?

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Can you show bpimagelist -l of the backup image

Level 3

IMAGE ldl03b008 0 0 10 ldl03b008_1410915704 LD-HC1-MAIL 16 *NULL* root Full_Backup 0 1 1410915704 13482 1412125304 0 0 44558933 566 1 3 0 LD-HC1-MAIL_1410915704_FULL.f *NULL* *NULL* 0 1 0 0 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 *NULL* 274167 0 0 218703 0 16 *NULL* *NULL* 0 1410915600 0 0 *NULL* *NULL* 0 1 0 0
HISTO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
FRAG 1 1 44529152 0 0 0 0 @aaaai ldl03s041 262144 0 0 -1 4 1;PureDisk;ldl03s041;LD-HC1;PureDiskVolume;0 1412125304 0 65537 1 0 0 6 0 1410929186 1 1 *NULL* *NULL* 0 0
FRAG 1 2 25088 0 0 0 0 @aaaai ldl03s041 262144 0 0 -1 4 1;PureDisk;ldl03s041;LD-HC1;PureDiskVolume;0 1412125304 0 65537 1 0 0 6 0 1410929186 1 1 *NULL* *NULL* 0 0
FRAG 1 3 4693 0 0 0 0 @aaaai ldl03s041 262144 0 0 -1 4 1;PureDisk;ldl03s041;LD-HC1;PureDiskVolume;0 1412125304 0 65537 0 0 0 6 0 1410929186 1 1 *NULL* *NULL* 0 0


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

This bpimagelist shows copy number 1 but you used 2 in the nbreplicate?

Level 3

Sorry, I had used copy number 1 in practice.

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

HAve you setup AIR to the new MSDP/Domain? Is that working?

Level 3

I had only setup the destination import, but have now setup both ends and tested successfully.  Running the command again still shows same error...

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

I can't test, don't have enough resources. Can you post all your outputs here. Maybe we find something.

Level 3

Riaan, appreciate your help on this so far!  Would you please explain what you mean by outputs?

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

What you're running from CLI, plus the error messages.

Level 3

Here we go....

D:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>nbreplicate -backupid ldl03b008_
1410915704 -cn 1 -rcn 1 -slp_name LD_MOVE -target_sts ldl04s041.LD.DOM -target_u
ser --------- -target_pwd ---------
INF - Suspend window close behavior is not supported for nbreplicate
INF - window close behavior: Continue processing the current image
INF - .\dsmlib_common.cpp:151 EMM server set to uk001s120
INF - .\dsmlib_common.cpp:174 Master server set to uk001s120
INF - .\dsmlib_common.cpp:256 Connecting to DiskServiceMgr on uk001s120
INF - .\dsmlib_common.cpp:51 Using dsmlib private orb
INF - .\dsmlib_common.cpp:264 Connecting to NBDSMFSM using orb 0000000002DC4670
INF - .\dsmlib_common.cpp:330 Registerd Framework OBV factories with orb 0000000
INF - .\dsmlib_common.cpp:338 Registerd DiskServiceMgr OBV factories with orb 00
Skipping backup id ldl03b008_1410915704, fragments exist on media which does not
 support replication

19/09/2014 15:11:55 - begin Duplicate to remote master
19/09/2014 15:11:55 - skipping backup id ldl03b008_1410915704
unable to process request(228)


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

Hi Chris,


Can you show me the output of


nbdevquery -listdv -dp LD-HC1 -stype PureDisk -U



Level 3

Disk Pool Name      : LD-HC1
Disk Type           : PureDisk
Disk Volume Name    : PureDiskVolume
Disk Media ID       : @aaaai
Total Capacity (GB) : 1311.85
Free Space (GB)     : 460.60
Use%                : 64
Status              : UP
Flag                : ReadOnWrite
Flag                : AdminUp
Flag                : InternalUp
Num Read Mounts     : 0
Num Write Mounts    : 1
Cur Read Streams    : 0
Cur Write Streams   : 0
Num Repl Sources    : 0
Num Repl Targets    : 0