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Mac clients failing with status 13

Level 3
We're running nbu 6.0 mp4, clients are also 6.0 mp4. We have a mac client that continually fails with a status 13. I have narrowed it to specific folders that keep failing. I have moved the folders, and that caused them to back up successful for a couple days, then they started failing with status 13's again. And now 2 more Mac clients have started failing with status 13's. Is this a known issue with Mac file systems? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Level 6

Check this link out.


Level 6

It looks to me that it may be a network issue with you Mac, error 13's happen with other clases of O.S's not just mac. I would check your NIC card, HUB or Switch, make sure the speed settings are correct and that there are no errors on your side or the Network side.


Level 3
I don't see anything unusual on the network side. I'll take a look at all the logs again though. Since the other files on the system were backing up fine, I guess I assumed it wasn't network. Each of the folders that is failing is over a Tb in size.


Level 6
In regards to the networking suggestion, 1 quick question: are all your NICs and port speeds hard set to their appropriate setting? Ie: is anything set on 'auto negotiation'?

Ok, 2 questions: are all drivers for NICs up to date?

Sorry, 3: are the failures on all backups? differentials only? If it's just on differentials (I had a similar problem with a >1TB system) then the client may be timing out while looking for the next file to backup.

Level 3
all the nics and drivers are up to date. It is on differentials that the problems occur. The fulls all run successful. Is there a timeout setting I should change?

Level 6
Try changing the 'File browse timeout' and 'Client read timeout' settings on the master server (this will require you to stop and start the services each time you change it).
I bumped both of mine to 12000 seconds.

Unfortunately, that didn't solve the problem for me.
What we had to do was (since the data on this system typically gets written once and then left alone) implement a script on the client side to select the last few days files and then manually initiate a backup of them. The master server was then set to only run a Full backup on that client every other week.

Not a perfect solution, but it fit our needs. Your mileage may vary!

Level 6

You should have the Network folks run a sniffer on the server.


You can do it yourself

I would still have the network folks check the port settings for this server, ask the to check the port logs, could be a vlan problem.