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Mass copy to migrate from LTO to IBM 3592

Level 4
I am planning on using Vault to make copy2 of all my LTO2 tapes on IBM 3592 tapes.  Then expire my Copy1's and Vault again to make another copy on 3592 to send offsite.
Does this sound right?
Thanks, Chris

Level 6
Use vault to make copy 2 and copy 3 at the same time.
Send copy 3 (3592) offsite
keep copy 2 (3592) onsite as new primary copy
expire copy1 (LTO2) when convienent
or keep copy 1 as an emergency onsite vault until they natually expire.

Level 4
You are AWESOME Stumpr!!!
I guess I should have looked into the vault details first, but I still wanted to get input from the community.
Going to setup a duplication job to one 3592 pool for copy 2, make primary and keep.  Within the same job, make copy 3 from a different 3592 media pool to send offsite.  I am going to allow everything as the source except only select one media pool that has all the LTO2 tapes with the jobs I want to dup.  I am settings the days to go back to something like 10 years ago.