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Modifying media ID generation rule

Level 6

If I modify the media ID generation rule for a robot, will it affect the existing media in the EMM database ? Actually I'm planning to create a media rule to use first 6 characters of of barcode. But there are already few media that for which media ID was generated using last 6 characters (default nature of netbackup).  If I change this rule all of sudden, will it impact previous media


Can I modify the media ID of a particular media with a new media in EMM ? say for example if the media ID is A00021 , can I modify it like 0021L3 ?


Accepted Solutions

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Media Id Generation Rule will not fix this problem.
The answer is still the same as per your previous post:
You need to manually update existing media. If you don't do this and just add Media Id Generation rule, NBU will try to add the new barcode as new media and probably fail with 'media id is not unique in database'.
vmchange -barcode A00110L3 -m A00110

Yes, add Media Id Generation rule for future and delete 0021L3.

You can probably script vmchange if you have lots of media.

View solution in original post


Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified

No. Media ID Generation rule will only affect new media.

If you want to change existing media, you can select all Unassigned media, delete them, and then do Inventory.

Assigned media will have to be left alone until all images have expired and then delete, followed by Inventory.

Level 6

The media that I was talking about are not scratch media. They are already netbackup used media. They have backup contents on them but don't have barcode label attached. NetBackup Assigned media for this media is A000110. We attached barcode label A00110L3 for this media. When we run inventory, it is generating media id as 00110L3. I can modify the media generation rule but wondering if it impacts the media that are already in EMM.


F:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpmedialist.exe -m A00110
Server Host = abc

 id     rl  images   allocated        last updated      density  kbytes restores

           vimages   expiration       last read         <------- STATUS ------->


A00110   9     19   05/22/2009 22:49  09/11/2009 18:00  hcart3   473034835     0

               19   INFINITY              N/A         FULL


Level 6
Partner Accredited Certified

You cannot change a media id i am afraid - and as yours are set to infinity you cannot even wait until they have expired and then delete them

You are stuck with any used media until they expire - when you then delete them from netbackup, re-run the inventory and then bplabel them to overwrite their header

Level 6
Partner    VIP    Accredited Certified
Media Id Generation Rule will not fix this problem.
The answer is still the same as per your previous post:
You need to manually update existing media. If you don't do this and just add Media Id Generation rule, NBU will try to add the new barcode as new media and probably fail with 'media id is not unique in database'.
vmchange -barcode A00110L3 -m A00110

Yes, add Media Id Generation rule for future and delete 0021L3.

You can probably script vmchange if you have lots of media.