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NBU Master Server Upgrade

Level 4
Partner Certified
Dear All,

i had upgrade my NBU Master Server ( windows) from Version 5.1MP7 to Version 6.5.4 today. the step of upgrading process are follow Symantec technote 290141. all Media and SAN Media are stil remain at Version 5.x ( 5.1 mp7 & 5.0mp4). nbpushdata are completed successfully.

when we do the test backup, all Media and SAN Media are able to backup. ( Some server need to reconfigure the drive using tpautoconf). but after a while, all backup job started to FAILED. all the backup job are hang at mounting or bpbrm process. no erroe code was showing. the backup process just hang there.

when we check on the media server using vmprcmd -d command, it was hang there, no out put is provided, and it will end with Network Protocol error (39) message. but when we enter tpconfig -d command, there is output for the tape drive and robot information. it happen to all the media server.

we restarted the services on the master server and media server, it will back to normal, but after a while, it happend again the same thing.

any idea? appreciate that someone can provide the solution.


Not applicable
From the technote referenced it does state on Page 11.

The following describes a summary of the sequence of recommended steps to ensure a successful upgrade to
NetBackup 6.5:

Before you begin the upgrade process, install the following for the currently installed NetBackup 5.x
versions (or more recent MP, if available):
■ For 5.0 systems, Symantec requires that you install 5.0MP4 or later.
■ For 5.1 systems, Symantec strongly recommends that you install 5.1MP5 or later.

Upgrade all master servers and media servers to the latest NetBackup 6.5.x release.
If you cannot upgrade all of your media servers when you upgrade your master server, Symantec
recommends that those not being upgraded to 6.5.x at the same time as the master server should be
upgraded to 5.1MP7. See “Phased upgrade” on page 19.


I would upgrade that 5.0mp4 server inline with other media servers. See if you have a stable system after that.

Level 4
Partner Certified

i had follow the Technote for all the media server remain at Version 5.x . but i still face the same problem. is this related to SSO? the main challege i have now is i cannot upgrade my media server to 6.5.4 together with Master server.


Level 4
Employee Accredited Certified
check if you have multiple interfaces in your master and media server.

A new feature in 6.5.x is the use of pbx_exchange.  This service will discover all NICs installed on the host, and register/broadcast it.

6.5.2 will look at this list and do reverse lookup.  Then check the hostname against bp.conf file (or server list in the registry), then if listed NBU NEW processes such as nbpem, nbrb, nbemm, etc who communicates via CORBA/pbx will automatically use any one of these interfaces to connect.  This is in a way a good thing. 

BUT there are a BAD side to this.
If you list all the interfaces in your bp.conf file, and not every one has connection to the master server, or to another media server which it shares drive with; AND if that interface is automatically selected for communication, you'll have to WAIt there until it times out before pbx determines another interface to try. 

This requires looking at bp.conf maintainence a whole new way, you'll have to make sure your SERVER and MEDIA_SERVER lines do not include interfaces you do not wish NBU to communicate out of on each hosts. Otherwise any one of them are candidates.

So to be clear, if for example you have a host with 10 NICs.  But only 5 are in used for NETBACKUP, and the media and master can only talk through these 5.  You should add these 5 hostnames to bp.conf file, BUT not all 10.

To speed up and add some resiliance to do reverse lookups, you can employ /etc/hosts for each of those IPs as well.

This might improve things, and even if you have a different issue, hopefully this will prevent another.

P.S.  Though 6.5. is backup compatible with 5.x media servers, it is HIGHLY recommended to put all SSO media server to same version.